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Announcing the new Green Card September 6th - 10th

Posted 14 years, 6 months ago    0 comments

The Environment Centre is celebrating its new more regional name as well as launching our great new “Green Card” for those who become individual members of the centre. Forty two local businesses have come on board and are offering a range of discounts to our members.

During the week, the Centre will be open til 8pm, with talks on each evening, and culminating in Green Drinks on Friday at 5.30pm. 

Drop in anytime, or in the evening or at lunchtime for free nibbles and a movie, have a look around at the information we offer, what groups are doing, and find out which other businesses we are partnering with to encourage more sustainable purchasing.

Support your centre, bring your friends or workmates!

The evening talks next week are:

Monday 6th 

6pm - Velo Espresso - Matt Keen will discuss Velo Espresso's cycle commuter  facility
7pm - Greg Locke will talk about and demonstrate his recently converted electric bike 

Tuesday 7th

6pm - Plumbing World / Felton with the speaker Roger Marty will talk about water conservation products for the home

Wednesday 8th

6pm - Jubilee Bush environmental education resource for primary schools - Katherine Hay. We will show a historical video of Jubilee Bush in the pre-boardwalk days.
7pm - Wayne Bennett, Forest Flora - will talk about the importance of biodiversity and ecosourcing

Thursday 9th

7pm - The Nappy Lady, Kate Meads - will discuss using cloth nappies in the 21st century.

Friday 10th

5.30 - Green Drinks.  The Environment Centre is hosting Green Drinks this month - a regular social networking event for anyone interested in environmental matters. Nibbles and drinks are provided.

Go in the Special Draw!
Be amongst first 100 members who sign up as members of the Waikato Environment Centre to go in the draw for a great prize of products sponsored by Captain Compost, Naturally Healthy, Jumpin' Jacks, the Herbal Shop and Clinic, the Hamilton Wine Company and the Environment Centre.

Any enquiries please phone the Centre 839 4452 or email envirocentre@paradise.net.nz
If you are thinking of coming to a talk we would be pleased to have some idea of numbers.




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