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Reminders re Applications this month

Posted 13 years, 7 months ago    0 comments

Community Post 2011
due 31 August

 Through Community Post, we are looking to support organisations which have projects which are committed to the education, health and wellbeing or business partnerships that make our communities great places to live.

Postage will be donated to successful applicants in the form of free postage paid DLE envelopes for applications up to 500 for sending letters and documents within New Zealand. For organisations applying for more than 1000 envelopes, an undetermined number of branded C4 and C5 envelopes will be available.

Work out which category your organisations project fits in and apply for your Community Post envelopes online before 31 August 2011.
You can find out more information, apply online, or pick up an application form at your local PostShop. Applications close at 5pm on 31 August 2011.

Community Environment Fund (Round 2)
closes 5th September

 The Ministry for the Environment wants to work with you to help make a positive difference to the environment. The purpose of the Community Environment Fund (CEF) is to provide funding to ensure that New Zealanders are empowered to take environmental action.
Each year there are two opportunities/funding rounds to submit an application. The second funding round is currently open and will close 5.00 pm Monday 5 September 2011. Successful projects will commence in early December 2011.

All applications are assessed against the CEF eligibility criteria, the Ministry’s key priorities, funding principles and their merit compared with other applications. The CEF is particularly focused on supporting community initiatives that contribute to:
· Reducing greenhouse gas emissions
· Improving freshwater and coastal management
· Improving air quality
· Protecting biodiversity.

For more information visit our website

There are two application forms. One form is for CEF funding of $50,000 or more (for a 1, 2 or 3 year project) and the other form is for CEF funding of $50,000 or less (for a one year project).
For more information contact Allison on 04 439 7546 or email CEF@mfe.govt.nz

WEL Energy Trust - 2011/2012 Community Funding Round
Closes 31 August

The 2011 funding round opened on 1 August 2011 and closes on 31 August 2011. Application forms are available from the Trust website or office during this time.

For further information please contact the Trust office on 07 838-0093 or call into the office at Norris Ward McKinnon House, 1st Floor, corner London and Victoria Streets, Hamilton.

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