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Bats, CC, Biodiv Forum and Fundraising

Posted 14 years, 5 months ago    9 comments

State of the Bat Environment

Wednesday 29 September,
Monday 4 October
Wednesday 6 October

We have more batwalks happening as part of the Museum Holiday Programme. The walk does take about 15-20 minutes each way along path and boardwalk. As it will be getting dark and cold make sure you dress up well and wear suitable walking shoes and bring a torch!

Time: 5.30pm–8.30pm Cost: $5 children and $8 adults.
Children must be accompanied by an adult. Bookings are essential as there are limited spaces so to book phone 838 6606 or email museum@hcc.govt.nz. Talks start at the Museum and you need to transport yourselves to Malcolm St after the talk for the bat walk after dusk.

What you can do for bats:
Where possible avoid the removal of large or old trees along the Waikato River Margin as these are excellent bat habitat.

Thursday 30th September 2010 Seminar

Venue: Seminar Room, McMeekan Centre, Ruakura Research Centre

Climate change: Overview and recent developments.

Come and hear Dr Jim Salinger, an ex NIWA climate change scientist. Lead author for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change which was awarded a Nobel Peace Prize in 2007.

Climate science has made a journey from an academic pursuit in the 1970s to being now at a critical cross road. Now the mainstream climate community needs to re-establish its credibility so as to communicate the urgency of relevant science based policy.
Decade 1970s was involved with establishing that climate does change and reaffirming the theory that increases in greenhouse gases lead to a warming of climate. During the 1980s climate science became more relevant to decision makers in the community because of the advent of the 1982/83 El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) event, and the realization that a major nuclear war could be followed by a nuclear winter with the demise of several millions of people.
In 1991 the Mt Pinatubo volcanic eruption had significant impacts on climate. The 1990s and early 2000s was a time of full maturity of the science with the development that anthropogenic climate change because of the enhanced greenhouse gases was extremely likely to determine the course of climate and its impacts during the 21st century.

Much policy relevant debate occurred with governments of the world signing up to the Kyoto protocol of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). However, with the advent of the late 2000s and 2010s the growth of climate denial and Climategate has turned the science in to being very vexatious political issue. Climate deniers question an empirically verifiable reality: that global warming is unequivocal and that most of the warming observed over the past 50 years is attributable to human activities. Civil society is under pressure to believe the science, and it is a matter of urgency that the science is communicated clearly, frankly and with integrity for decision making. Climatic science has a major role in enabling society to achieve this goal.

All Welcome - please share this invitation with your friends and colleagues.
This seminar is organized by the Waikato branch of the New Zealand Institute of Agricultural and Horticultural Science Inc.
New members welcome www.agscience.org.nz


Saturday 30 October 2010
Waikato Biodiversity Forum 

9am - 3.30pm on  at the Tamahere Community Hall, Devine Road, off SH 1 Cambridge Road

This is a free event with lunch provided.
The Waikato Biodiversity Forum is a partnership between research and management agencies, iwi groups, private landowners and community groups who all have an aim of improving biodiversity in the Waikato region. The Forum runs two events a year to focus on an aspect of improving biodiversity in a particular location. This event will focus on the biodiversity of the Tamahere gullies and how this can be improved. See the Forum’s website for details of its work. www.waikatobiodiversity.org.nz

Purpose of the Day

  • Provided gully restoration information to gully owners and other interested members of the community
  • Provide opportunities to gather practical skills for gully restoration

This Forum is an opportunity for you to:-
* Network and share ideas with others who undertake conservation related work
* Establish on-going partnerships for biodiversity restoration
* Visit gully restoration project/s in the area
* Learn practical measures to enhance gullies
* Hear the findings of a report “Assessment of the Tamahere Gullies”
* Highlight the projects of community groups in the area
More information and registration form to follow. Moira Cursey m.cursey@xtra.co.nz or phone 07 8465066.

1 November
Fundraising Institute 360° View Not-For-Profit Training Day to be held in Rotorua in November

This may be of interest to committees and trustees of community groups

Rotorua 360 Degree Reg 2010.pdf


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