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Be a Voice for the Environment

Posted 9 years ago    0 comments

Fill the Gallery (again) this Thursday in support of Waiwhakareke

Following the Hamilton City Council's Finance Committee meeting that took place on 18 February 2016, the Committee’s resolution on the Waiwhakareke Land proposal (to retrun 5.1 hectares to the reserve) will be presented as a Recommendation to Council at the Council meeting being held on Thursday, 25 February 2016, 1.30pm.

The reccommendation from supportive Hamilton City Councillors is for Waiwhakareke advocates to, once again, fill the gallery and ensure that things stay on track. Please come along this Thursday to support Hamilton City Council in returning 5.1 hectares of land to the Waiwhakareke reserve!


Community Voice calling for local body candidates

This year we elect our local and regional councillors, and DHB members.

Hamilton based group Community Voice is looking for quality candidates with strong community connections and progressive values who want to serve their communities as elected members:  people with relevant skills and experience who would better represent our diverse communities.

When elected they would be expected to consider all council’s decisions in the light of their impact on people in the wider community and on the environment.

The Community Voice ticket will help voters better assess candidates and give candidates support through pooled resources and volunteer help.

 Interested?  Want to know more? Or know someone who would be a good candidate? Contact us through communityvoicehamilton@gmail.com before 31 March. And keep in touch via the Communuity Voice Facebook Page

Community Voice -  your voice!

Invitation to anyone who is interested in the Healthy Rivers Project - March 1st

You are invited to participate in a workshop for Environment / NGO groups and individuals interested in the Healthy Rivers Project.  The primary purpose of this workshop is to ensure we hear the Environment / NGO sectors views on issues associated with the project.

David Campbell and Al Fleming are the Environment / NGO representatives on the Healthy Rivers Collaborative Stakeholders Group.  They will share their perspectives on these issues and how the project is progressing.

Workshop details are:

DATE: Tuesday 1 March

WHERE: Ambassador Hotel, Ambassador Boardroom, 86 - 92 Ulster Street, Hamilton

TIME: 12.00 noon to 3.30 pm

An agenda will be sent out in the near future but please do book this event into your calendar and share with others you think may be interested in attending.

A lunch will be served  at noon when you first arrive.  Coffee / tea will be available at the end of the workshop.  If you do wish to attend the Environment / NGO workshops please RSVP by 26 February for catering purposes to Al Fleming - A.Fleming@forestandbird.org.nz


Share your vision for our treasured Maungatautari

What do you think the possibilities are for the future of Maungatautari?
Share your thoughts and ideas on this treasured Maunga. Submissions open until March 1st -  Click here to have your say. 



A once in a life time chance for our oceans - have your say!

NZ’s current Marine Reserves Bill is more than 40 years old, and desperately out of date. After promising an update for nearly 15 years, the Government has finally released a discussion draft – which does not include 96% of NZ oceans. That’s right. The entire Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) is specifically left out of the draft legislation. Some extraordinary habitats and animals exist only in these deep seas and need certainty of protection. The only certainty offered in this document is to the oil, gas and mineral industries.

This may be the one chance in our lifetimes to create legislation that allows meaningful protection of our oceans. Let’s make sure the Government gets it right. Have you say today! Here is an opnion piece with some good ideas and the Forest and Bird blog is helpful too. Click here to make a submission. Closing date is the 11th of March.


Government call for public submissions on the TPPA - Have your say

The government has opened up the call for public submissions on the 
TPPA. The submission deadline is Friday 11th March. More Kiwis oppose the TPPA than support it, AND there are a growing number of doctors, lawyers, economists, iwi and business leaders speaking out against the deal.

Your submission, highlighting your concerns, will send an important message to all political parties and MPs about the kind of society, we, the voters, want prioritised in 2017. A society that puts the interests of New Zealanders, environmental protection, public health and self determination above those of foreign multinational corporations. Take action with Action Station - and make your submission today.


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