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Be in to Win - Energy Blitz 2009

Posted 15 years, 5 months ago    0 comments

Environment Centre Hamilton

After water heating, the fridge is the single biggest household electricity-user and the most expensive appliance in your home to run. The Environment Centre is running a fridge efficiency awareness campaign in October. So take part in our blitz and be in to win fantastic prizes, including two brand new fridges – so get your old inefficient fridges over to CMA and be in to win!
Find entry forms on our website:  www.envirocentre.org.nz
If you like getting this newsletter and want to support the work of the Environment Centre, this is a great time to join up and go in the draw for Noel Leemings vouchers

1. “Out With The Old” Fridge Retirement Scheme

In conjunction with EECA and CMA Recycling.  Those recycling their old, inefficient fridges between 22 Sept – 24 Oct  go in a draw to win one of two fantastic new fridges.
Prize Pool:  2 NEW energy efficient fridges/freezers

2.  “Fill A Fridge” with the Environment Centre, Waikato Times, Pak’n Save, & Seal-A-Fridge [Hamilton]

A full, well functioning fridge is an energy efficient fridge!  In conjunction with the Waikato Times, we will call for nominations of families in need.  Three winning families will be selected and profiled.  Nominations close 16 Oct.
Prize Pool:  (3)  Seal-A-Fridge [
Hamilton] Refrigerator Energy Checks and (3) $400 Pak’n Save Grocery Vouchers

 3. “Stars On Their White Ware”                 WSU Decorated Fridge
Calling all students!
In conjunction with Waikato Student Union & Noel Leemings, students submit photos via EC email of their outrageously decorated fridge.  Submissions close 19 Oct.
Prize Pool:  $300 Noel Leemings Voucher, $200 Noel Leemings Voucher

 4. EC Energy Tip Line
Win a fridge energy check!
Email energy efficiency tips to the EC website and go into the prize draw.  Submissions close 24 October.
Prize Pool:  3 Refrigerator Energy Checks supplied by Seal-A-Fridge [

 5. EC Membership Drive - Join now!
Become a member of the EC at www.envirocentre.org.nz between 22 Sept and 24 Oct and go into the prize draw.
Prize Pool:  $300 Noel Leemings Voucher, $200 Noel Leemings Voucher

Funding for this project also received from WEL Energy Trust




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