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Bees, birds and working bees

Posted 11 years, 5 months ago    0 comments

Junats starting this Friday

This term Hamilton Junior Naturalists Club meetings will start a little earlier than usual and so our first session will be this coming Friday (October 11). We are very lucky to have David Fleetwood all the way from Alaska who has some fascinating stories about this amazing place. He has been working there for over 30 years.
Anyone welcome, especially those with children 12ish up.

Down at the Hort Centre at Hamilton Gardens at 7pm. Gate 2.
Contact Dave Matthews Ph (07) 846 4013

Saturday 12th October

Bee keeping workshop

Only a couple of spaces left (from cancellations), contact the Hamilton Permaculture Trust if you would like to come along

10am.  Waimarie Community House, Wellington St, Hamilton East

The Hamilton Permaculture Trust has organised a day's workshop on keeping bees in your home garden.
Join us for this six-hour introduction to urban beekeeping. Observe a hive in action, enjoy a shared lunch, and come away with the basic knowledge and skills to begin keeping your own bees at home.

Cost is $40pp. Prebooking is essential as numbers are limited.
Contact the Cheryl to register,  (07) 834 2249  or permaham@actrix.co.nz.

Sunday 13th October

Forest and Bird Trip to Miranda, leave Hamilton by 8.30am to arrive for talk at the Shorebird Centre at 10am, then see the migratory birds which have arrived at Miranda. Hot pools visit as well. Contact Katherine Hay 839 4452 or 021 267 2773 or email

Tuesday 15 October

A free public lecture by Richard W. Benfield
Professor of Geography, Central Connecticut State University

Dr. Benfield is the author of Garden Tourism, the leading book on public gardens and the tourism sector.

7pm — 8pm
Chartwell Square Room, Hamilton Gardens Pavilion

Saturday 19th October

Pukemokemoke working bee
from 1-5pm.

Work will mainly involve getting rid of seedling privet and grass around the new plantings.

Alan Leadley
Ph: 07-8552919
Cell Ph: 0272249622


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