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May events

Posted 14 years, 10 months ago    0 comments

Firstly just a headsup that the Mining on Conservation land submission due date has been extended 3 weeks to 5pm on May 26. So if you haven't filled one in - do it now! http://www.forestandbird.org.nz/mining

Sunday 9 May 8am

Bellbird release                                                                    

Bellbirds haven't been seen in Hamilton for over 100 years. Now a multi-agency programme led by Landcare Research and the University of Waikato (assisted by Environment Waikato), is to release bellbirds from Auckland’s Tiritiri Matangi and Tawharanui bird sanctuaries into the Hamilton Gardens, with the aim of ultimately building up a breeding population in the city.

Bring the family and join us for the historic release of bellbirds into Te Parapara Garden at The Hamilton Gardens.
If for any reason the bellbirds aren't able to be brought from Auckland, a postponement notice will be on Environment Waikato's website www.ew.govt.nz by 5pm Friday evening.

Become a fan of Hamilton Halo on Facebook www.facebook.com/hamiltonhalo or follow us on Twitter www.twitter.com/hamiltonhalo
Bellbird picture credit: Vanessa Moore

Sunday 16th May

Planting on a QE11 Covenant on Kitemoana Station

One of several Forest and Bird events to support land owners who have covenants on their land, this is an opportunity to have a day in the country and help biodiversity. The Station is near Glen Murray.
If you are interested in attending please contact Philip Hart (07 856 7992).
Gumboots and spades needed.
Carpooling from Hamilton at 8.30 by Memorial Park.

Saturday 22nd May

Birds before Breakfast:
6am-8am :Cost $60

 Meet Chris the Eco man for an enthralling two hour bird watching experience to be followed by a hearty breakfast at “Out in the Styx”

 As part of the Tirau WOW weekend of workshops you or your friends may be interested in participating in the “workshop” that Maungatautari is offering. This is a fundraising event for the Maungatautari project.
Please click on www.TirauWoW.co.nz   Scroll to 301 for further information.

21st to 23rd May

TirauWoW - check out all the great workshops!

Tuesday 25th May

Environment Centre AGM

5.30pm in the Environment Centre, 25 Ward St, Hamilton
All welcome.

Speaker: Rob Herd
"Resident NZ Butterflies of the Central North Island"
Rob is a butterfly enthusiast who has bred butterflies, and will talk about butterflies of this area and what to do to attract them.

A recent book, Silent Summer, by 40 leading British ecologists, has highlighted the negative impacts of humanity on the insect world in the UK, with butterflies being hardest hit. David Attenborough, in the foreword warns that such organisms make up the foundations of our ecosystems.
So come along and find out how you can help to keep our populations up in our community.
RSVP by 21st May

Katherine Hay
Environment Centre Hamilton
PO Box 19104
Ph 839 4452 Fax 839 4454

Wednesday 26th May

Riverlea Environment Society AGM

All RES supporters are cordially invited to attend our AGM on 26 May. This year we are excited to announce that restoration ecologist Professor Bruce Clarkson will speak to us. Prof Clarkson is Director of the Centre for
Biodiversity and Ecology Research. He is an authority on the ecology of Hammond Bush and wrote its restoration plan, which is being followed as the bush is planted and improved. He is passionate about Hammond
Bush’s plant and animal diversity and its significance to Hamilton.
Prof Clarkson will give us the latest news on ecological restoration projects going on around the city. In addition, committee member Geoff Pooch will open his treasure chest of old maps and aerial photographs of
the Riverlea area. Spot the Hamilton Gardens as a rubbish dump, your property as paddock and historic pa sites.

The meeting will take place at 7.30pm at 46 Chesterman Road.
A light supper will be provided.
Stephen Hamilton
Riverlea Environment Society Inc.





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