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Fun Cycle Ride - Tour de Melville - Dec 6th

Posted 16 years, 3 months ago    0 comments

Hi everyone,
We will be hosting the Tour de Melville on Saturday December 6th from 10am -12pm at the community house. We have our usual 2 bikes as spot prizes, plus a 'chopper' as an added bonus. We have heaps of other spot prizes and are looking forward to a fun and safe event.
The event is open to all riders. It is non-competitive. Cyclists have one hill that is quite steep for a beginner but generally the course is undulating countryside so nothing too rough. It goes from Bader street, at the community house, down peacockes road, to just about the end, turn around and come back. Turn left onto Norrie Ave and this road curves around back onto Bader Street. There is only one right hand turn.

The ride is 10km long and children over 9 and adults are able to ride in this event. We do not separate the riders into groups as it is a fun ride although the person who crosses the line first will be given the 'green' jersey.
We have a shorter 1km path for younger children. They go from Bader street, onto Norrie Ave, following the road back onto Bader Street and back to the community house. There are no right hand turns on this path and we send adults riders with them.

The course is all on roads. We stop traffic to start the event but otherwise riders share the roads with cars. It is not a busy area. We do have traffic management of course and so all our turns are staffed.

We hope to see you there! I would also appreciate you passing the information on to anyone else you think may be interested in our event.

Kind regards
Holly Snape
Community House Manager
Hamilton South Community Centre



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