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Bird talk and bike clinic reminder

Posted 10 years, 12 months ago    0 comments

Just a friendly reminder:

Tomorrow evening, Thursday, Chris Gaskin is down from Auckland to speak to Forest and Bird about the work he and others are doing looking at Important Bird Areas, Birdlife International, Petrels. Will be an interesting illustrated talk for anyone remotely interested in birdlife - please send round your networks. Anyone is welcome to attend.

And on Sunday there is a workshop and meetup run by Hamilton Bicycling Network at 9.45 in Barton St.

Thursday - Forest and Bird Talk

7.30pm Chartwell Room, Hamilton Gardens

Speaker: Chris Gaskin
Chris’s talk will look at Important Bird Areas (IBA) programme – taking a bird’s eye view and identifying areas that are important for New Zealand’s seabirds. The marine IBA network provides a comprehensive overview
of New Zealand’s seabirds allowing researchers to visualise where they breed and the extent of their foraging across the marine, and for inland breeding gulls and terns, freshwater environments.

The IBA programme places that in global context. He will touch on the role we all can play in taking the IBA programme forward.
He will also talk about some of his experiences with seabirds, both here in New Zealand and elsewhere in the
South Pacific.

Chris is currently coordinator of the BirdLife International Important Bird Area (Seabirds) Programme in New Zealand (on contract to Forest & Bird, BirdLife’s NZ partner).

Sunday 23rd March

Hamilton Bicycling Network workshop for cyclists
9:45 am - Meet outside R&R Sports in Barton St.
10 am  Bike Clinic - adjusting various types of brakes including V-brakes & mechanical Disk-brakes
10:30am  Networking at Sierra Café - $6 coffee & muffin

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