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Building workshop

Posted 12 years, 8 months ago    0 comments

Please pass this on to anyone in the building industry - 

Friday June 29, 8:00-11am

Construction and Demolition Waste Management on the Building Site

Hamilton Gardens Pavillion, Chartwell Square Room
Enter at Gate 2 Hamilton Gardens, off Cobham Drive

Entry: free event for all builders and LBPs operating in Hamilton and around the Waikato.

Ian Mayes, Eco Design Advisor at Hamilton City Council will go through the practical applications of dealing with construction waste on a building site and how to implement goals of a waste management plan to achieve a reduction in C&D waste, by reducing wastage, increasing recovery and re-use, and recycling.

Heidi Mardon, architect and owner of the Hamilton Eco-house, will share her experience of working with her builder and contractors on waste management on her own building site. She is also interested in hearing about the barriers to the successful implementation of a waste management plan on the building site from builders’ perspectives.

2 LBP points have been allocated by the DBH for participation in this event.

RSVP asap:  Megan Edmeades
grEEnme Environmental Education Services
M 021 414 529
P  07 884 6825


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