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Waikato Botanical Society Evening Seminar Series

Posted 12 years, 9 months ago    0 comments

Monday, 25th June 2012

5.30 pm – 7 pm

Environment Centre, Level One, 25 Ward St, Hamilton

Gold coin donation to cover costs - thanks.

The new president,  Paula Reeves (Senior Ecologist Wildlands) will give a presentation on the:

“Ecology of Te Tuhi I Oioroa Aotea Heads Scientific Reserve"


Te Tuhi I Oioroa Aotea Heads Scientific Reserve is a large (590 ha) transgressive dunefield on the northern head of Aotea Harbour. It is a fascinating place containing a range of habitat types including tall (120 m) migrating dunes, coastal forest, dune slacks, deflation plains and a small dune lake. It has a very long history of Maori use and occupation that has played a significant role in its current ecology. The Department of Conservation now manage the area jointly with local hapu. In February this year I undertook a comprehensive assessment of the flora to help guide future management and restoration and will discuss some of the findings including the first NZ record of the highly invasive sea spurge (Euphorbia paralias).

There will be opportunity for further discussion, followed by dinner at a nearby restaurant for those who wish.


Also on Monday 23rd July:

Dr Catherine Beard (Waikato Regional Council Ecologist) will speak on “The Much Maligned Mangrove – Coastal Icon or Unwanted Invader?”

Any queries please contact Cynthia Roberts, email: croberts@doc.govt.nz; 8581034 (work) 021 123 1060 (cell).

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