CLIMATE CHANGE.... and what we can do about it
About this course
Climate change is a pertinent and long-term global environmental issue. The Resource Management (Energy and Climate Change) Amendment Act 2004, in New Zealand, requires particular regard be given to the effects of climate change.
This course provides an interdisciplinary understanding to assess impacts, vulnerability and adaptation to climate variability and change. It is designed for practitioners and others who would like to build their capacity in understanding and assessing effects and possible responses to climate change.
Lecture 1: Overview of the Science of Climate Change, Professor Martin Manning, Victoria University
Lecture 2: Sea-level rise and community response to coastal hazards, Dr Doug Ramsey, NIWA, Hamilton
Lecture 3: Projections of Future Climate Change, Dr David Wratt, NIWA, Wellington
Lecture 4: Biodiversity/Conservation and Climate Change, Dr Matt McGlone, Landcare Research, Christchurch
Lecture 5: Drought risk and climate change, Dr Jim Salinger, NIWA, Auckland
Lecture 6: Class forum on climate change agriculture & energy, Professor Janet Bornman, Director, International Global Change Institute, University of Waikato
Course details:
· Lectures: Mondays, 7.00pm-9.00pm, 2nd March to 4th May 2009 to be held at RS5, Ruakura Satellite Campus, 21 Ruakura Road, Hamilton
· Practical modelling workshop: Saturday, 21 March 2009, 9.00am-12 noon to be held in F Block, Room F.1.14
· Restricted to 16 participants.
· Cost: $140.00
Contact details:
Enrolment details: Course information:
Bev Collison Liza Storey
Phone: 07 858 5229 Phone: 838 4466 ext 7607
Email: Email: