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Conservation Week 2012 - Love your parks

Posted 12 years, 6 months ago    0 comments

Sorry this is a very long newsletter but there are many events on during Conservation Week!  They are also on our online calendar which is accessible from our website

(Orange titles - Hamilton events, Green titles - outside Hamilton)

Mahoenui Giant Weta - at the Zoo

Hamilton Zoo & Department of Conservation are working collaboratively to promote and raise public awareness about this unique native fauna.
The wetas will be displayed twice a day (11am & 2pm) approximately 30 min viewing slots. Promotional material to be circulated asap. 
For more information contact Hamilton Zoo 07 838 6887

Saturday 8th September
Exploring Nature with Children

NB This event will be cancelled if there are not enough registrations so pls register asap if you are wanting to go

10 – 12pm  Grey Road Carpark at the end of Grey Road, Pirongia Forest Park

“Exploring Nature with Children” is a new DoC Publication designed to give families practical ideas to share and enjoy the natural world. Join us for the launch of the booklet and try some of the fun activities with your children
Free event for families with children, Max 30 people

Bookings only, contact Adrienne Grant or Moira Cursey 858 1011 or email adriennegrant01@gmail.com or m.cursey@xtra.co.nz

Saturday 8th September 

Where: HUMAIRE PARK – Cranwell Place (off Berkley Ave), Hamilton 
Time: 9.30am -3.30pm
(alternative date if wet 15th September)

Removal of English Ivy vine growing over plants in a gully restoration project , fairly steep banks ,require physically fit people and dedicated to removing all the infestation of Ivy (the more people the easier it will be to remove) could accommodate a team of up to 20 people on this project. Require gardening gloves, lots of energy!

There will also be a workshop on stream/bank stabilisation as part of the Gully Workshop series with two different examples of materials and techniques demonstrated.

 For details of how you can help: Contact : Gerard Kelly Community Planting Co-ordinator | Parks and Open Spaces DDI: 07 838 6501 | Mob: 021 286 2066 | Email: gerard.kelly@hcc.govt.nz Or Tim Newton Gully Restoration Officer DDI: 8386878 Email: tim.newton@hcc.govt.nz Website: www.gullyguide.co.nz

Saturday 8th September

Boundary Road (meet in Migrant Centre car park ), Hamilton
Time: 10.00am – 1.00pm
Join the Jubilee Care group with Warren Agnew from ‘Gotcha Traps’ who will demonstrate how to set up a rodent monitoring programme. The group will set out rat tracking stations in a grid throughout this 5 hectare Remnant Kahikatea forest in the heart of the city.

For details of how you can help:Contact : Gerard Kelly Community Planting Co-ordinator | Parks and Open Spaces DDI: 07 838 6501 | Mob: 021 286 2066 | Email: gerard.kelly@hcc.govt.nz 

Or Jubilee Care Group - Katherine 839 4452 or 021 267 2773 katherine@envirocentre.org.nz

Sunday 9th September

This will be an interesting day exploring 2 reasonably local reserves.  Suitable for families (and others).

Meet at Memorial Drive for carpooling at 9.00am. We will drive to Richmond Downs via Tauwhare Rd (off main road to Morrinsville), right onto Scotsmans Valley Rd, right into Chepmell Rd and on to Kiwitahi. Turn right at the Morrinsville-Walton Rd intersection, and right into Paratu Road. Wait at the beginning of Paratu Rd and we can convoy; we will leave here at 10am (it is about 45 minutes from Hamilton).
We will do the shorter and steady climb to reach the summit and lookout tower. We will lunch here and enjoy the great views across to the Kaimai Ranges and Firth of Thames. 
We will then drive to Maungakawa (Sanatorium Hill). We will then have a talk from Dale Lethbridge, from Tui 2000, who has been involved in setting up the Friends of Mangakawa Hill group explaining the importance of this area in the Hamilton Halo project. We will then walk the Maungakawa Loop track which starts above the memorial clearing – about 20 minutes, and plant a few native Fuchsias along the track.

Leader: Jane McLeod (jane.mcleod64@gmail.com)

Sunday 9 September
Kaniwhaniwha Planting Programme

Assemble at Kaniwhaniwha car park, 9am - 2pm Led by Te Pahu Landcare Group and supported by DOC staff. Come prepared for all weather conditions.

Barbeque provided. All volunteers welcome. Contact Bruce Postill 07 850 8368

Sunday 9th September 
TRACK OPENING - Whyte St to Armagh St.

A.J.SEELEY GULLY RESERVE , Armagh St (by park sign), Hamilton

Time: 11.00am – 12.00pm Come and celebrate the opening of the track linking Whyte St to Armagh St. There will also be tours of the reserve with Gully Restoration Information Officer Tim Newton and others to look at this 50 year restoration project! 

For details of how you can help: Contact : Gerard Kelly Community Planting Co-ordinator | Parks and Open Spaces DDI: 07 838 6501 | Mob: 021 286 2066 | Email: gerard.kelly@hcc.govt.nz Or Tim Newton Gully Restoration Officer DDI: 8386878 Email: tim.newton@hcc.govt.nz Website: www.gullyguide.co.nz

Monday 10th September 

A.J.SEELEY GULLY RESERVE , Armagh St , Hamilton 
Time: 9.30am – 2.30pm 

Project description:  Continuation of removing tradescantia (Wandering Willie) and Ivy from fringes of the reserve, general cleanup etc. Conservation volunteers meet every Monday at 9.30 to undertake various tasks.

Monday 10th September 

JUBILEE PARK (Te Papa Nui), Boundary Rd, Hamilton

Migrant Centre Carpark Time: 10.30am – 3.30pm

Project description:  Continuation of removing tradescantia (Wandering Willie) from the reserve, We are aiming to have the park clear of this invasive weed by the end of November 2012. Other tasks include removing graffiti and general cleanup etc. Conservation volunteers meet every Monday from 10.30 to 3.30pm.

Monday 10th September

by Greg Martin,
DoC Regional Conservator

Greg’s annual talk on the work DoC has carried out during the previous year is always interesting and wonderfully illustrated.
Chartwell Room, Hamilton Gardens, Cobham Drive.

To join the speaker, committee and members for a meal ($12.50 per head at 6.15pm) before the talk, please
email: jane.mcleod64@gmail.com by 6th September.

Tuesday 11th September  

HAYES PADDOCK – Wellington St , Hamilton Meet by the entrance, opposite “Hydro Majestic Cafe”

Time: 9.30am – 3.30pm  

Complete planting of Kowhai trees along the river banks within Hamilton City. Come and join the community to plant a kowhai to improve our environment by planting more native trees and shrubs. The intention of the "Kowhai Festival" planting is to plant the river margins with Kowhai throughout the city to recreate the yellow glow that once characterised the river in spring when the Kowhai flowers.

Saturday 15th September

Waiwhakareke Natural Heritage Park - Brymer Road, Hamilton (gate entrance opposite the Hamilton Zoo)
Time: 11.00am – 3.30 pm 

All welcome, Conservation volunteers undertaking wetland planting, we will be joined later in the day by a group from Latter day saints from 2.30 -3.30 pm .

 Contact: Gerard Kelly Community Planting Co-ordinator | Parks and Open Spaces DDI: 07 838 6501 | Mob: 021 286 2066 | Email: gerard.kelly@hcc.govt.

Saturday 15th September
Karioi Bushcraft and Trapping

9.30 – 12.30pm  Town Hall, Bow St, Raglan

Improve your bushskills and knowledge about protecting native species.  Learn about behavioural patterns of pest animals, pest control methods, personal safety at remote sites, rope skills on steep slopes, bush skills.

Morning tea provided. Bring plate for shared lunch.

To register contact Whaingaroa Environment Centre
envirocentre@whaingaroa.org.nz or phone 07 825 0480

Sunday 16th September
Miropiko Reserve weedbusters group launch

339 River Rd, Hamilton
Everyone welcome to attend. 
Invite to launch a Weedbusters group at Miropiko Reserve. After a karakia from Ngati Wairere representative Wiremu Puke we will walk around the pa site and learn about the history, both Maaori and pakeha, look at some of the issues with weed control and options for restoration in the gully area.
Afternoon tea will be available. Wear comfortable walking shoes, all welcome.

 RSVP to Katherine Hay khay@pear.co.nz if you would like to attend, as we will be providing an afternoon tea. 

Park up Oakley Ave or Stanley St.

Sunday 16th September
Karioi trap deployment 


Help increase Karioi’s native biodiversity – deploy a stoat trap on the mountain.
Reasonable level of fitness required. For more information contact Kristel 027 427 6242 or new.zealand@arocha.org

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