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Hamilton City Council's 10-Year Plan - keeping you up-to-date.

Posted 13 years, 5 months ago    0 comments

from Barry Harris, Chief Executive, Hamilton City Council.

As an individual or representative of a group, with a particular interest in our city, I am writing to let you know about some key Hamilton City Council meetings coming up as part of the next stage of our city’s 10 Year Plan for 2012 - 2022. 

We are at the start of the process of reviewing all areas of Council’s business to ensure we’re in a stronger financial position for the future.

In order to keep the city’s debt under control, a target of $14.5 million in operational savings has been set.  This requires Council to make some difficult decisions around which services should stop, which services and grants should be reduced, changes to fees and charges, reductions in project spending as well as considering new initiatives and ownership of Council owned assets. 

Between now and the end of October Council will be scrutinising 22 areas covering all of our business. Decisions made by Councillors will feed into the draft 10-Year Plan which will be formally consulted on with the public in March/April next year, before being adopted from July 2012. 

The public is welcome to attend all these meetings, with a 30 minute public forum at the start from 9.30am. There is also the opportunity to share views informally at our online forum.  Meeting papers relating to the meetings can be found on our website.

The programme of meetings and areas being scrutinised at each meeting are outlined below. I would invite you to get involved and make your views known, either now and/or early next year when the draft 10-Year will be available for formal consultation. 

Kind regards 

Barry Harris, Chief Executive, Hamilton City Council.

Extraordinary Council meeting date Area of scrutiny
22 September
(Meeting already held)
Community Development
27 September Parks and Open SpacesIndoor Recreation
30 September Housing
6 October  LibrariesMuseumSwimming FacilitiesZooAnimal Education and ControlBuilding ControlPlanning Guidance and ComplianceEnvironmental Health and Public Safety
11 October  Solid Waste ManagementStormwater DrainageTransportationWastewaterWater Supply
20 October  Cemeteries and CrematoriumDemocracyEmergency Management
31 October  Economic DevelopmentEvents Facilities
12-16 December Overall Budget and Programme Review


Barry Harris

Chief Executive, Hamilton City Council

Level 1, Council Building, Garden Place, Hamilton

Private Bag 3010 Hamilton 3240

Phone 07 838 6975, mobile 021 307 221


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