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Good news

Posted 12 years ago    0 comments

Good News for those trying to wade through the Hamilton Proposed District Plan - deadline now extended to 29th March

At an Extraordinary Meeting of the Council on Wednesday the elected members agreed to extend the timeframe for submissions to the Proposed District Plan to 29 March 2013.
Timeframes at the other end of the process won't be compromised.
So you now have more time to put a submission together. Link to the plan

REMINDER  - Submissions close March 15th for the DoC Waikato Conservation Management Strategy

More good news today - as reported in the Waikato Times this morning:

The Big Picture showed a takahe pair being released on Maungatautari.

And an article (and lovely photo of Clare St Pierre) reported  the Pirongia Te Aroaro o Kahu Restoration Soc is due to release the second phase of robins in their pest control area, after the group of volunteers has trained and captured the birds at Mangatutu. Fantastic. Phone Selwyn June 07 8433066 if you want to get involved.

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