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e-Cycle Open Day

Posted 12 years, 11 months ago    1 comment

e-Cycle Open Day Celebrations

Saturday (31st) March.

10am to approx. 2pm

At 8a Jolly Street, Hamilton

We invite all enthusiastic lovers of this land to celebrate another waste stream being plucked from landfill and cycled into re-use.  Xtreme Waste is proud to bring their Zero-Waste kaupapa into Hamilton.

This re-cycling site replaces the old eDay that ran for several years.  We receive computers, and business electronic waste, on a user-pays basis.

  • Our Mayor will be on site at 11am
  • HCC will be present and will have trees to give away
  • We will talk about the project, product stewardship, recycling, etc.

Are you aware, 80,000 tonnes of e-waste goes to NZ landfills each year?  Some 8,000 tonnes of that being lead plus other heavy metals such as cadmium, lithium and mercury.

Just so you know, the hours are 9am-4:30pm, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday.


Meg Daly
12 years, 11 months ago
Well done Xtreme Waste! You guys really have your finger on the pulse.

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