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Environmental Candidates Forum

Posted 14 years, 7 months ago    0 comments

Monday September 20th

Chartwell Room, Hamilton Gardens.

Starting 7pm.

Please put this date in your diaries and let any intending candidates know the date.
The Environmental forum for candidates standing for Hamilton City Council and the four Hamilton positions on Environment Waikato will follow a similar format to previous years.

Questions from environmental groups will be put to the candidates in the weeks leading up to the elections. Their responses will be put on our website.
At the forum each candidate will be given a set amount of time to speak on a topic. Questions will then be directed to candidates from the floor.

(Nominations close on August 20th. Candidates will be announced formally 25th August)
Voting documents go out between the 17th and 22 September.

Make sure you are enrolled, and encourage everyone to exercise their democratic right to vote.

If you are a member of an environmental community group please send in a question you would like to be put to the candidates for their written response. Include your name and group name and contact details.



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