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Kiwi Conservation Club / Friends of Waiwhakareke

Posted 12 years, 4 months ago    0 comments

Kiwi Conservation Club: Fantastic Bug Walk

Saturday November 24th, 1pm – 4pm

At Wintec: meet in the car park off Tristam Street - through Gate 2 opposite Girls' High and continue up the hill to the carpark

Spend an exciting afternoon with Helen Ranson, bug specialist from Wintec, who will be helping to find and identify bugs.

Meet in the carpark before heading up to the lab for an introduction session, then head off to catch some bugs to bring back and identify and make models of.

RSVP Susan on 07 829 8977 or txt 021 254 1360.  If the weather is looking doubtful, ring Susan by 8am that morning to find out if the walk has been cancelled.

Potting morning for Friends of Waiwhakareke

Friday 16th November,  9 am - 12pm

At Tamahere Nursery (Devine Rd, off Airport Rd, next to Tamahere School Hall)

Don't forget your morning tea.

This will be last potting session for 2012.

Contact person: Catherine Smith at 2smiths@wave.co.nz,

or 07 8558296












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