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July events

Posted 14 years, 8 months ago    0 comments

Sunday July 4th

Tamahere Community Nursery

Learn about propogating ecosourced plants.

The next workshop session at the Tamahere Community Nursery in Devine Road will be held this coming Sunday, 4 July, starting at 1.30 pm. We will continue with the potting of seedlings for next year's planting.

There is a selection of plants ready for planting now so if anyone is interested in acquiring ecosourced native plants for gully restoration come along to the nursery on Sunday afternoon.

 Hope to see you there.
Jan Simmons
on behalf of Tamahere Gully Care/Ecosourced Waikato.
Ph 856 8995

Monday 19th July Hamilton

Organic Group - seed swap and film

Hi everyone - bring along your hoarded seeds to swap with other gardeners at our July meeting, and get a head start with your spring garden plans! We’ll be trialling an “alternative currency” for the seed/ plant table, but if you don’t have anything to swap don’t worry, you can still bring along a few coins to get started. And we’re also planning to watch a short-ish film with a gardening theme.

Meeting will be 7.30pm at the Environment Centre.

July 10th - 13th

Permaculture courses at Solscape

Last opportunity to enrol - only  a few places left - contact Nelson Lebo    nfl2@waikato.ac.nz  to enrol.
$50 per day plus accommodation

Saturday 12:30 - 6:30 pm
Advanced permaculture design: Maximizing beneficial relationships

Sunday 10 -12 & 2 - 6
The essentials of green home design

 Monday 10 - 12 & 2 - 6
|Human-scale swales, rain gardens and plumbing basics
Retaining water on the landscape in times of excess is like money in the bank for times of drought.

Tuesday 9 -12 & 1 - 3
Maximizing vegetable production while minimizing inputs



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