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Events 14 July

Posted 16 years, 8 months ago    0 comments

In this newsletter:

Winter lecture series - Continuing Education, University of Waikato
Sustainable Urban Design series, HCC
Bot soc Trip
Forest and Bird Trip
Job vacancy - Maungatautari Ecological Is Trust

Winter lecture series
Waikato's free winter seminar series - Sustainable Waikato.
Tuesday nights at the WEL Energy Performing Arts centre,Gate 2B, Knighton Road.
We have brought together some of the University's pre-eminent academics who will share their knowledge and bring foresight to the defining issue of our generation.

Seminar 1 - 22 July
Environmental Armageddon

Professor Al Gillespie from the School of Law takes a ‘big picture' look at the impact of environmental concerns such as climate change and the food crisis over the next 40 years.

Seminar 2 - 29 July
Ko te tini me te mano o Waikato: Population Prospects in the Heartland

Professor Richard Bedford of the Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences considers the changes in the Waikato population in recent times, the predictions for the next 20 years, and what this will mean for the region.

Seminar 3 - 5 August
Land to Ocean: The Critical Role of Nutrients

Three leading academics from the Science and Engineering School discuss some of the central environmental issues facing Waikato and New Zealand. Professor David Hamilton looks at the vital connection of lake and rivers on the New Zealand landscape, Associate Professor Louis Schipper covers changing elements of sustainable land use: carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus and Senior lecturer Dr Karin Bryan discusses the fate of nutrients in our shallow estuaries and coastal seas.

Seminar 4 - 12 August
Sustainable Enterprise

Waikato Management School Professor Mike Pratt & Helga Pratt focus on making the world a better place through enterprise, looking at 10 pioneering companies that have been founded on sustainability principles.

Seminar 5 - 19 August
ICT and Sustainability

Dr Murray Pearson from the School of Computing and Mathematical Sciences will discuss the potential uses for Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in the rural sector, as well as digital libraries and machine learning.

This seminar series is presented by the Centre for Continuing Education with sponsorship from the University of Waikato's Cultural Committee. The Cultural Committee's aim is to support arts, cultural and academic activities on campus by providing events which are open to the wider community.

Sustainable Urban Design 2008 Workshops

Whether you are looking to build or wanting to save money and live more comfortably, then there will be something for you.
Contact the Environment Centre to register for these workshops 839 4452 or email - see link below

August 9th - Retrofit Workshop

With Hamilton already having a large stock of houses, this workshop looked into incorporating sustainable building techniques and application into an existing home to make it a healthiet and warmer home, and cheaper to run.

September 13 - Water Efficiency Workshop
Water harvesting, conservation and giving grey and blackwater a second use on site.

October 11 - Solar, Wind and PV Energy Workshop
Energy conservation and generation.

November 8/9 - Eco-Home Design Workshop
For ready-to-build people wanting guidance and support in building of their very own eco-home. This workshop also has two preliminary evening workshops on 21 and 28 October.

Would you like to join the Sustainable Urban Design email list-serv? This is a group set up for people to share resources and information, and to learn off each other. If you are interested email Aaron (details below) and you can be invited to join.

For more information contact Aaron Fleming at Hamilton City Council phone 07 838 6483

Sunday 27 July:

Waikato Bot Soc Field Trip - Hauraki Remnants

A visit to remnants of the Hauraki Plains once magnificent kahikatea forest and what is left of the salt meadow on the banks of the Waihou River.
Frank Speedy Memorial Reserve- This kahikatea-Cordyline forest remnant south of Ngatea is an area gifted by the Speedy family that was part of the homestead reserve but is now a public road side rest area. It is an area that has been passed a million times but probably never really looked at, and includes some hybrids between two Melicytus species.

From here a 10 min. drive to the Kopu Bridge, and a short walk along the mangrove fringe of the Waihou River. Heading downstream beside the tidal edge, allows a chance to look at salt tolerant plants away from the tall fescue that dominates this area.
Meet: 9.30am Frank Speedy Memorial Reserve SH2, 2km south of Ngatea. Contact: Doug Ashby dj.ashby@xtra.co.nz ph 07 862 4706.


Meet at F&B's Morgan Reserve at 10.00 am. To find Morgan Reserve, turn left at the old Waikino Railway Station and travel along Waitekauri Rd 2.8 km to the sign posted Reserve. After a brief look at the Reserve the plan is to drive on up the valley to the site of the now closed Golden Cross gold mine. At the end of the road is a public car park. From here we will walk up to the head of the valley and look down into the Maratoto valley.
Bill Fairweather 07 825 0563


Position available - Environmental Education Coordinator
This position would suit a professional person who is able to coordinate and deliver an environmental education programme to schools and to the community.
You need to:

  • Be passionate about conservation
  • Have experience in planning and delivering an environmental programme relating to biodiversity/conservation
  • Have knowledge and understanding of Maori perspective
  • Be creative and innovative
  • Be an effective communicator
  • Be self-directed and actively participate with other members of groups involved
  • Be well organized, set goals and work within time restraints
  • Have the ability to relate to a diverse range of people
  • Be competent with use of information technology
  • Hold a current driver's license

This position is a short term contract but could be extended
Salary negotiable

If you are interested in applying for this position, please contact the Maungatautari Ecological Island Trust for a copy of the Job Description or submit a brief C.V. to the Chief Executive, PO Box 476, Cambridge by Monday 28th July 2008.



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