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Events 4 August

Posted 16 years, 7 months ago    0 comments

Green Drinks this Thursday at the Greenspace
5.30 30 Te Aroha St

Saturday - August 9th
First of the series of Sustainable Urban Design 2008 Workshops - Retrofit Workshop

Contact the Environment Centre to register for these workshops 839 4452 or email envirocentre  #at# paradise.net.nz
With Hamilton already having a large stock of houses, this workshop looks into incorporating sustainable building techniques and application into an existing home to make it a healthier and warmer home, and cheaper to run.

AUGUST 10 SUNDAY Forest and Bird trip

Meet at F&B's Morgan Reserve at 10.00 am. To find Morgan Reserve, turn left at the old Waikino Railway Station and travel along Waitekauri Rd 2.8 km to the sign posted Reserve. After a brief look at the Reserve the plan is to drive on up the valley to the site of the now closed Golden Cross gold mine. At the end of the road is a public car park. From here we will walk up to the head of the valley and look down into the Maratoto valley.
Bill Fairweather 07 825 0563

Wednesday 13th August
Funding workshop
for community groups 9.30 - 12.30
Chartwell Room, Hamilton Gardens
for more information or to register, please phone 838 1583 or email anne #at# ssw.org.nz

Wednesday 13th August
Free IT Computer workshop for Community Groups.

A free informative course for people wanting to know more about computer's, back ups, anti virus, fire walls, the internet, file management, RAM, passwords, emailing and trouble shooting.

3-6.30pm  Hamilton
Nibbles and drinks provided

15 places only available. Bookings essential.
Contact Sally Ridley sally@communitywaikato.org.nz

Wednesday 13th August
Sustainable Living course starting. 7-9 at Wintec
This will run for 7 weeks. Practical, hands on course.
Contact Katherine at the Environment Centre 839 4452, there are a few places left.

Can you help?

The 2008 National Pollination Survey is underway. The purpose of the survey is to measure the health of bird-plant mutualisms throughout New Zealand. We are using the pollination service for tree fuchsia as an indicator of the health and wellbeing of our native ecosystems. This is
part of ongoing research jointly run by Landcare Research, Department of Conservation and University of Canterbury.

We need your assistance. We need people to complete the survey from locations all over New Zealand this spring and summer. Please help by completing the survey for a tree fuchsia population near you.

A major issue we had last year (2007) was people not taking part in the survey because they couldn't find enough fuchsia trees. Any area, with even a few tree fuchsia plants can be surveyed. Even if there are only 2 or 3 trees near you the data you collect is valuable.

For more information and the survey forms visit:

While there you can also check out the 2007 survey results.





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