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Starting 27th February – 3rd April 2015 (10 weeks)

@ Progress to Health - 19 Hood Street, Hamilton

Please find attached the Progress to Health weekly workshops being held at our Hood Street office.

living it up jan 2015.pdf



GLOBAL DIVESTMENT DAY Saturday February 14th Hamilton Gardens

Tēnā koe,

It's been a whirlwind summer for the 350 team and we're really excited to announce 350 Aotearoa's first event of the year. February 13th and 14th is global divestment day and we're proud to be launching our Fossil Free Banks campaign!

This Saturday February 14th, come down to The Hamilton Gardens at 5pm for Picnics and Placards. Bring some friends and get ready to tell your bank that it's time to break up with fossil fuels!

Click here to RSVP for the event!


This event is being hosted by  the Waikato Environment Centre and is packed full of great speakers and information about the divestment movement in New Zealand. But if we want to make this event really awesome, we need your help.

Once you've RSVP'd for the event, if you are on Facebook, please click click here to share, and please forward this email to your networks and take up the challenge to bring at least one other person with you.

This year we're taking the divestment movement in New Zealand to the next level. Come along and hear about our Fossil Free Banks campaign, sign up to our call to action and be a part of something big this year!

See you on Saturday,

Lizzie & Niamh for 350 Aotearoa

P.S. Have you signed the petition asking Dunedin's City Council to divest yet? The local campaigners down there need your support, please sign and share here.



EARLY TUESDAY CLUB 2015 kicks off on 21 April 2015.

This highly regarded club will fill up fast, please get your registrations in asap.


We have also, based on feedback, developed a Monday Night Governance club, starting April 13, for board, committee or governance members who often struggle to take time from their day jobs to attend training. This club will run from 5.30 to 7pm once a month and provide a series of useful monthly workshops on areas such as roles and responsibilities, working with founding documents, understanding your financials and making the most of your meetings. There will be opportunity to request other topics of importance and interest to the participants.


Kind regards,

Sally Fenwick Ridley

Training and Communications

Community Waikato

Hamilton Early Tuesday flyer.pdf
Monday Night Governance flyer.pdf




Fun-filled activities are needed for this year's Children's Day in Hamilton City .

The annual event will be held at the Garden Place , Hamilton CBD on March 7 and organisers are looking for groups/solo performers to provide entertainment for the day. Whether it be a vocalist/dancer / juggler or a group performing a dance – we need you!!

New Zealand's Children's Day is a national, non-commercial day to celebrate how special and important children are.

Please find attached here Application Form for PERFORMERS/ENTERTAINERS.





Early Bird Registrations extended until 13 Feb 2015

Last chance for this Early Bird special. This can save you up to $110.00.

Click here to view the conference registration fees.

Click here to register online.

Click here to download the manual registration form



Community Support Manager South Waikato District Council.

This position manages both community development and customer services to meet Council Objectives with a variety of tasks, projects, staff and community networking.

Visit www.findyourplace.co.nz to regsister and apply

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