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29 April Events for May

Posted 16 years, 9 months ago    0 comments

Tonight -  reminder
Sustainable Urban design - Green Home Introduction at Centre for Continuing Education.
7pm Bookings 858 5209

1 May - submissions to EW have to be in - this year there are some really important considerations and we need lots of submissions to go in - please see separate post for information about issues.

Starting next week:
Sustainable Living series

The Environment Centre is putting this series on at Wintec - Tuesdays 7 - 9pm for the next 7 weeks. There are a couple of spaces still so please phone Katherine if you are interested in attending 839 4452.
This fun and interactive series will look at how you can make simple changes to your lifestyle to reduce your impact on the environment, and in the process be healthier (and wealthier).

Saturday 3 May
8am Forest and Bird plant sale, at Pak'n'Save Mill St, Hamilton. Always heaps of great plants, and the proceeds go to a charity.

Saturday May 3rd
10am Talk on composting & vermiculture held in the Sustainable Backyard in Hamilton Gardens.
Contact Cheryl 834 2249

Gully Restoration
3 May 1.30 Bus trip to Peter Morris's gully
4 May More gully tours this weekend  - St James private gully and Hukanui Gully.
Bookings through Continuing Education 858 5209

May 7th At the tipping point: thinking beyond sustainability
Where: S1.04, Waikato University
When: 1pm

What: Nandor talks about the deeper implications of resource depletion as part of his series of 10 nationwide free public lectures. Green Party MP Nandor Tanczos will brief students and members of the public around New Zealand on how the world's love affair with economic growth impacts on our environment.
He will address the issues of climate change, peak oil, and resource depletion and discuss how rising to these challenges requires a fundamental rethink of current assumptions.

7th May
Screening of A Crude Awakening The Oil Crash at the Environment Centre, 7pm

RSVP 839 4452.
This movie tells the story of how our civilization's addiction to oil puts it on a collision course with geology. Compelling, intelligent, and highly entertaining, the film visits with the world's top experts and comes to a startling but logical conclusion - our industrial society, built on cheap oil must be completely re-imagined and overhauled.
83 mins.

Two separate Earth oven workshops to be held on May 10th & 11th. also 17th & 18th.

If you are interested in participating in a 2 day hands on workshop contact Hamilton Permaculture Trust 834 2249

Sunday 11th May
Waikato Botanical Society: Port Waikato Coastal Remnants
A visit to the large Limestone Downs remnant of semi-coastal forest and some nearby coastal scrublands to the south. Limestone Downs is 900 ha of privately owned mature kanuka forest on the ridges with semi-coastal forest in the gullies containing puriri, kohekohe, taraire, mamangi, white maire and the threatened Mida salicifolia. The many scenic limestone cliffs and rock formations of the area may harbour some interesting plants.
For the second half of the trip we will go to the Ward farm, where remnant pohutukawa and Pseudopanax laetus remnants still remain along the coastline. We will be on the coast close to Ngatutura Point where Cook's scurvy grass and Hebe speciosa survive on an inaccessible rock stack. These species should be able to be viewed from the Ward property with binoculars.
Meet: 8.30am at BP petrol station at south end of Ngaruawahia township SH1.
Contact: Gerry Kessels or Britta Deichmann ph (07) 825 9025 britta@kessels-ecology.co.nz or gerry@kessels-ecology.co.nz

Tuesday 13 May
Sustainable Urban design: Eco-Design for a New House 7pm
Centre for continuing Education. Phone 858 5209

Wednesday 14 May
Permaculture video evening -
two videos,
Forest Gardening by Robert Hart
and an Australian one showing the setting up of a complete urban permaculture garden.

15th May
Environment Centre AGM

5.30pm in the Environment Centre

 19 May Hamilton Organic gardeners
Cottage gardens. Held at Fairfield Community House, 60a Sare Cres. 7.30pm



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