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Events coming up

Posted 15 years, 12 months ago    0 comments

There is heaps happening in the next couple of weeks so here is a bit of a summary, and don't forget to consult the ecalendar on our website if you need a more comprehensive list.

Tuesday 24 March 7.30
Cafe Scientifique, at the Londoner, Victoria St (between Bryce and London Sts)
The Sustainability of the Waikato River
Presented by the NZ Association for Environmental Education, this is a Seaweek event, there will be three speakers, Wiremu Puke, Alan Campbell and Kevin Collier, speaking about different cultural, ecological and socio-economic views and issues associated with the river, and the impact of our activities. In light of possible reductions in EW funding for some projects this could be timely for discussion.

Thursday 26th March Dawn Patrol - Balloons on the Waikato
Free breakfast for early risers, always a fun start to the day, come along at 6.30 for a free breakfast eaten from a potato plate! Innes Common

Also on the 26th the Community Group Expo - see yesterday's item - book now!

Saturday 28th Earth Hour - Night Glow at the University

This is getting really big this year, 1500 cities from over 80 countries are now on board for Earth Hour.
Activities start at 4pm, lots of entertainment, come and visit the HCC solar lounge and enter great competitions - check out  www.earthhour.org/newzealand/hamilton Enter the competition for the ultimate upgrade for your home! 

Remember to have a look at the Earth Hour website and check out what is happening globally - it is truely amazing, and the message needs to be sent to all governments attending the Copenhagen negotiations in December - now is the time to act.

1st April Environment Waikato LTCCP roadshow
In the Environment Centre at 7pm. It is vital that we get huge numbers of submissions in so please attend this and find out the issues, especially as we have councillors who are keen to take "Environment" out of EW. Things are serious!

RSVP to Katherine - if there are hundreds wanting to come we may need to look at a bigger venue (if only) 839 4452 or email katherine@envirocentre.org.nz

Saturday 4th April is the HCC "Your city expo" for LTCCP as well

At Celebrating Age, South end of Victoria St, 10am to 2.30


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