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events coming up November

Posted 11 years, 4 months ago    0 comments

Working days this weekend

Saturday 2nd November
Humaire Park -  9.00am - Meet Cranwell Place entrance

We are looking at continuing the walkway/ track path this weekend. Look forward to seeing you there!
Gerard Kelly  Gerard.Kelly@hcc.govt.nz

Sunday 3rd 10.30 - 12
Miropiko Reserve, 339 River Road

Bring rake if you are able. Gloves.
Contact Katherine 021 267 2773

Spring Stroll this Sunday

2pm, starting from the end Pickering Place, off Hukanui Rd at the back of Hukanui Primary School. This will be a pleasant amble around local parks, Porritt Stadium and back along Wairere Drive to return to the starting point via the gully below the primary school. As usual, allow 60 to 90 minutes depending on how fast you like to move!

Monday November 25th 

5:30 pm – 7:30 pm

Waikato NZAEE (NZ Association for Environmental Education)  invites your community environmental group to a

Pecha kucha Style Evening

Save the date for a free energising evening to network with your community environmental colleagues, and meet recently elected councillors.

Venue: Hamilton City Council Reception Lounge

Drinks and nibbles will be served.

 Make a brief presentation about your group’s work, be inspired by others and their work, meet and discuss issues with politicians. A formal invite will be sent in early November.


Andrea Soanes | Schools Programme Coordinator | Resource Use Group  email
Waikato Regional Council P: +64 7 859 2707

"Be the change you want to see in the world" - Ghandi


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