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Events - Film Festival, Candidates meeting

Posted 16 years, 6 months ago    0 comments

September 22 is Car Free Day- leave your vehicle at home! Take a bus, walk, ride a bike.

Reel Earth Aotearoa Environmental Film Festival

is coming to Hamilton once again: great variety of movies from NZ and elsewhere, short and long, six sessions over two weekends:

September 27, 4pm, 
September 28, 12.30 and 7pm
October 4th, 4pm
October 5th, 12.30 and 7.30pm

The full programme is on our website www.envirocentre.org.nz or you can pick up a programme from the Environment Centre, or phone 839 4452 and I will post you one.

This year you will be in comfort at Victoria Cinema in Victoria St.
Bookings Victoria Cinema phone 838 3036

Monday 6th October
Vote for the Environment: Pre-election Candidates Evening

Chartwell Room, Hamilton Gardens, 7pm
This is your chance to get the views of the candidates on a range of environmental issues before you cast your vote.
Environmental groups - send in a question that you want answered to the Environment Centre by 25th September and we will circulate them to the candidates for them to prepare answers which will available at the meeting

Energy Workshop: October 11th
Bookings now being taken - phone the Environment Centre 839 4452 to register. $25 10 - 4pm at Wintec.

Saturday 15th November
Spring Greening Garden Tour
and an expert in your garden
We still want more gardens for this - if you know of someone with an interesting sustainable garden, please let Katherine know at the Environment Centre, 839 4452

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