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Elections and October events

Posted 11 years, 5 months ago    0 comments


On that note, support the STV campaign by donating on the pledgeme site - trying to change the present not so fair system costs money - there is a hole in the bucket at the moment.


 Mark Servian is coordinating the STV campaign - he asks
"Please pledge to donate to the Vote STV for Hamilton IN THE NEXT 123 HOURS via out Pledge Me appeal at https://www.pledgeme.co.nz/1451.
The minimum pledge is $5, and even that much will make a difference.

With Pledge Me you only have to pay if the target is reached, and we're aiming for $1230 in the next 123 hours!!! Please pass this on to others...
We need to change the electoral system if we want a better city council..."

Don't forget to check out the Sustainable Waikato webpages for more information about candidates who met the 8 attributes which SW felt were important for our elected councillors to possess.
Our WRC candidates' meeting on Monday night showed up those who possessed enough knowledge and understanding of RC issues and those who certainly do not.

Gully Xpo event on October 3rd - Tickets available from the Environment Centre  - phone 839 4452 to book your ticket

Monday October 7th
National Wetland Trust public meeting

Public meeting to establish a Volunteers/ Friends of Rotopiko group, 5.30 pm on Monday Oct 7th at the Ohaupo Bowls clubrooms (on the right hand side of the main highway if heading south).

The National Wetland Trust has recently completed a pest fence at Rotopiko (Lake Serpentine) near Ohaupo and begun to help restore its natural character. The Trustees are keen to set up a volunteer group to help more people and the community be an integral part of this very exciting project.

Volunteers can get involved in all sorts of aspects including restoration activities (planting, monitoring, species translocations, track building, fence monitoring), wetland centre design/ exhibits/ education activities, fundraising/ events organising, guiding and much more.

If you cannot attend the meeting but would like to  be added to a mailing list for progress updates and notices about volunteer opportunities contact Karen Denyer

Saturday 12th October

Waikato Botanical Society fieldtrip

Karamu Bush Reserve and Swamp maire covenant, Te Pahu

First we will visit a small, 1.76 ha, lowland riparian forest reserve which straddles the banks of a tributary of the Kaniwhaniwha stream. These streams originate on the northern slopes of Mt Pirongia but travel through intensively farmed land in these lower reaches. Totora is the dominant canopy species of the reserve with kahikatea, kowhai, ribbonwood, pokaka and black maire also previously noted. The understorey is mainly invasive weeds with some native seedlings and is subject to extensive seasonal flooding. The reserve is administered by Waipa District Council and the Te Pahu Landcare Group have undertaken some Tradescantia weeding initiatives in the reserve, including a biological control trial, and are now interested in establishing some pest control there. On this trip the botanical society will make a comprehensive species list for the reserve and brainstorm ideas on weed and pest control to protect this regionally rare forest type.

We will then proceed to the upper catchment area on the northern slopes of Pirongia to a private property with an interesting QEII covenant. Here a remant patch of mature swamp maire can be easily accessed and we can explore a more pristine riparian forest margin.

Meet 9.30am at the junction of the Raglan highway (SH23) and Te Pahu Road (on the left from Hamilton) just over the Waipa river bridge at Whatawhata (by the church). From here we will drive 7km down Te Pahu Rd to the intersection with Grove Rd on the left. We will be accessing the reserve through private property here.

Easy to moderate grade
Contact Liz Overdyck 07 825 9743 or email eg3@waikato.ac.nz

Sunday 13th October

Waikato Branch Forest and Bird walk - Miranda

Leave Hamilton at 8.30am.
Arrive 10am for Miranda Shorebird Centre "Welcome to the Birds" Guest speaker Rick and Elis Simpson. Wader Quest. Learn about their efforts to raise awareness and funds forthe spoonbilled Sandpiper. Gardening afterwards if willing to stay for an hour or so. And/or a visit to the hot pools. High tide is at 2.30.
Very easy. Good for families.

Leader Katherine Hay phone 021 267 2773. Phone if you want to carpool.

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