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Two Forest and Bird events this week - all welcome

Posted 14 years, 1 month ago    0 comments

Forest and Bird Film Evening Thursday 10th February

'Water Whisperers: Tangaroa'

Chartwell Room, Hamilton Gardens, 7pm

Kathleen Gallagher, award winning Director of Earth Whisperers Papatuanuku. says "This film is about the reconnection of ourselves with our lakes, rivers and oceans. We have guides already in our midst - old fishermen, conservationists, farmers, scientists local iwi and divers who are intimate with lakes river and sea life, knowledgeable about sustainable fishing practices and to restore damaged waters"

In this beautifully photographed film ten stories of environmental redemption are told : from the Poor Knights Marine Reserve to the Hurunui and Rakaia Rviers, and including the wonderful Mike O'Donnell describing how a toxic Coromandel waterway was rescued from arsenic and effluent poisoning by sensible planting and community committment.

$5 entry

Contact Katherine Hay 856 1906

Sunday 13th February

Waikato Branch of Forest and Bird Walk - Great for families!

RUAKURI and KOROPUPU (easy/average)

Explore two bush reserves in Waitomo district, with caves and beautiful limestone formations. Leave Hamilton at 9.00, meet at carpark at Ruakuri Scenic Reserve at 10.30 (travel through Waitomo village and turn left past the glowworm cave to Aranui and Ruakuri caves.) Later, we’ll walk alongside and finally in a stream that ends up at an underground lake with lots of glowworms. Getting your feet wet is unavoidable! Bring a torch. A particularly beautiful walk. Great family outing.

Leader: Jane Mcleod 07 856 2505.



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