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Exciting Job Opportunity

Posted 13 years ago    0 comments

Centre Administrator

The Waikato Environment Centre is looking for a replacement for our administration/reception person, who is heading off overseas in March.

The person we are after needs to have excellent communication and written skills, be positive and friendly with sound general knowledge of environmental issues, and experience with normal office procedures.

Much of the job entails face to face with the public and our members, but there are also opportunities to work independently and undertake or help with projects .

You will be responsible for being at the centre during the opening hours, thirty hours per week, looking after those who use the centre, selling products, producing online newsletters and helping environmental groups publicise events, answering queries, and, in conjunction with the Manager, helping with funding and financial recording.

If you are interested in finding out more about this position, a job description can be viewed on our website 


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