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Fleet bikes, EDS RMA workshop and gardening tools wanted

Posted 15 years, 4 months ago    0 comments

Fleet Bikes available:

Cycle Action Waikato (CAW) have 2 Fleet-bikes available for a Hamilton business to lease FREE of charge*

Why? With congestion and other traffic and parking issues increasing, these bikes will enable your staff to reduce their vehicle usage for short work trips.
They are great for getting to and from inner city meetings and, the bikes are fitted with large saddle bags for carrying all the goodies you may need.

Your organisation could be the next to benefit! - REGISTER NOW.
Fill in the attached form and email it to John.Meekings@plantandfood.co.nz
Applications must be received by: Friday 27th November, 2009
Lease period from November 2009 to end of September 2010.
*Minor Maintenance costs apply - (See the attached application form).

Fleetbike application form 2009.doc

Environmental Defense Society

23 November 2009
8.30 - 1pm at Rendezvous Hotel Auckland

Free Half-day Workshop on the lastest Resource Management Act changes. A workshop aimed at environmental NGOs and community groups. Will also cover the Environmental Protection Authority and Callin.
For more information or to register www.eds.org.nz

Tools for Gardening project

Does anyone have any of the following items that they are not using and could give to Parents Place for their new garden project:

2 x trowels
2 x buckets
soaker hose and fittings
hose reel
Please contact Christine Cave 855 7517


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