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Free Flax Plants; Potting up plants for Waiwhakareke; Waikato Biodiversity Forum; Moving Planet; “New Zealand’s Native Trees"

Posted 13 years, 7 months ago    0 comments

Free Flax Plants

Riverton Estate in Flagstaff, Hamilton, have hundreds of metres of 7 year-old flax for anyone who would like to take it away – what is not taken will go to landfill on Friday. The  flax was planted by the developers, unfortuantely the origin of the flax's seed is unknown.

The flax is from the front verges, and is 1.5m wide and rolled up.  Riverton Estate contact, Jolie, is on 07 8544 0622. The flax could be used for stream/gully planting programmes and the like, but individuals are also invited to pick up what ever they want for their homes.


Potting up plants for Waiwhakareke

9am-12 noon this Friday 19 August at the Tamahere Gully Nursery, Devine Rd, next to the Tamahere  Primary School Hall. There are a lot of things to do!  Bring morning tea (and any willing friends). Queries; Maxine Fraser 07 8551968 or forestgarden@xtra.co.nz


Waikato Biodiversity Forum

Calling for newsletter items for the August edition. To be received by Moira (details below) by Wednesday 24 August 2011.  Photos are great to have alongside the articles for added interest.   

Moira Cursey

Waikato Biodiversity Forum Co-ordinator

31 Friesian Place


07 8465066

027 2223791



Moving Planet; a Worldwide Rally 24 September 2011

Get moving this September for a clean energy future

Moving Planet is a worldwide rally on 24 September 2011, aiming to fill the streets with sustainable movement and show the scale of support for getting moving beyond fossil fuels. Lace up your shoes, jump on your bike or put on skates for climate change.

Read more at moving-planet.org

In New Zealand, 350 Aotoearoa will be mobilising people from all over the country with the message to our leaders – don’t be fossil fools, move us away from fossil fuels. With lignite and other dirty energy sources threatening our environment, communities and the global climate system, there has never been a more pertinent time for New Zealanders to take action for renewable energy.

You can check out and join the actions registered around New Zealand at http://www.moving-planet.org/map. Or if there isn't an action in our town, you can register an event now and get busy planning!

Find out more by visiting 350.org.nz


“New Zealand’s Native Trees"

Manaaki Whenua Press are offering an early-bird special on this book (both the ‘Standard’ and ‘Delux’ versions) until 30 September 2011. They expect stock to arrive in the week beginning 12 September.

 Order book online from www.mwpress.co.nz

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