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Freshwater Management and Use in the Waikato; Financial Statements; Organisation Workshops

Posted 10 years, 6 months ago    0 comments

Freshwater Management and Use in the Waikato (Hamilton)

Tuesday September 2, 7:30pm. No charge.

Room A.G.30, (in A Block) (Entry is easiest thru Gate 8 on Hillcrest Rd), Waikato University.

What are the implications of the National Policy Statement on Freshwater Management for our management and use of freshwater in the Waikato Region? A panel discussion will be hosted by the Waikato Branch of Royal Society of NZ.  Contact info@rsnzwaikato.org

Reading and Understanding Financial Statements  (Thames)

Tues, September 2, 10am - 1pm

St Johns, 1102 Queen St, Thames.

Email robyn@communitywaikato.org.nz, registrations need to be received at least one week prior. $30 for community organisations, $60 for others. Ph 07 838158307 8381583


Workshops (Matamata)

Reading Financial Statements, Risk Management, Manager/Board Relationships, Working with your founding document, Planning, Making the most of your meetings.

Thursday 16 October. Workshops are 1.5 hrs, from 9:30 through to 3pm. Matamata Club, Rawhiti Ave, Matamata.

Registrations and payments must be received by Mon 16 Oct.Email robyn@communitywaikato.org.nz Ph 07 838158307 8381583.


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