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WWF Funding and Job vacancy

Posted 12 years ago    0 comments

This is a reminder that the closing date for the next round of Environmental Education Action Fund is Tuesday 2 April.
It's a contestable fund open to all NZ schools, ECEs and community groups who as part of their learning programmes are taking action to address a local environmental issue.

For information about the fund and how to apply please visit the WWF-New Zealand website 

For further information please contact me at wbarry@wwf.org.nz. Also please forward to any schools or community groups who you think might be interested in applying.

Noho ora mai,

Wendy Barry

Education Programme Leader. WWF-New Zealand
Tel: +64 (0)4 499 2930    E-mail: wbarry@wwf.org.nz

Vacancy at WRC

Business/Corporate Sustainability Advisor

Are you passionate about working to promote sustainable business practices reducing impacts on the environment, and improving environmental, social and economic outcomes for the region?
We are looking for a dynamic communicator who understands environmental management system design, is able to engage and motivate business owners, industry, community and councils including senior corporate managers and elected councillors. You will also be knowledgeable on topics including resource efficiency, waste minimisation, climate change and green growth.

A tertiary qualification related to environmental management, sustainability and business management is preferred.

Role Description - Business/Corporate Sustainability Advisor

Applications close: Sunday, 10 March 2013


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