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Future Living Conversations Coming Up This Thursday 17 March.

Posted 9 years ago    0 comments

Future Living Conversations Coming Up This Thursday 17 March.

Now running during the day at The Western Community Centre 46 Hyde Ave Hamilton


Just go to the Training Room and we’ll have the kettle on!


Two different sessions each day -Why not bring your lunch and stay for both


10.30 am to 12pm

Water Water everywhere… and we need to care for all of it. Looking at where our water comes from and where it goes and what effects its quality. In this conversation we will learn some sensible water saving habits and why we want to keep nasties out of our drains. We will find out how Hamilton City Council provides us with clean drinking water, treats our waste water and the challenges facing a growing city. Di from Make will discuss why she avoids certain chemicals in her body care and home cleaning products and then teach us how to make our own cleaners. Helping us save money and keep the water pure!

Food glorious food.

12.30pm to 2pm


Essential for life, health and enjoyment but is our food as wholesome as we would like to believe? Our food choices impact our health and the health of the environment. So how can we make the best choices when there are so many pressures such as time, advertising, cost, skills and even our culture. Come along to our conversation and we will discuss this and some fun healthy food possibilities.

Camilla from Oooby will be there to help us engage with this important topic. There will be some taste testing too. What a good way to finish off our last conversation in this series!




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