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Community Resilience talk today, G E Debate, Planting Day

Posted 12 years, 7 months ago    0 comments

Reminder - Laurence Boomert is speaking in the Waikato Environment Centre tonight - everyone welcome. 

6pm for pizza and drinks (pls RSVP 839 4452)
6.30pm  for the presentation

Also come and hear about  the Hamilton Timebank which will be starting in Hamilton soon. For anyone involved in voluntary work this is a great initiative to value the work you do, have others do lovely things for you as well, and generally improve social community networks - make Hamilton a better place to live.

Thursday 9 August
GE Debate

Student Centre (Level 1, opposite Bennetts) WSU

NB this is in addition to the evening event at the Trade Union centre which we advertised in our 3/08/2012 newsletter.

The Green Party have organised a GE tour involving taking two Australian farmers, (Julie Newman and Bob Mackley), around New Zealand to talk with people about their experiences of the GE crops grown in their regions.

They will share their findings on the effects the release of GE crops have had on their communities and businesses. Julie and Bob will also cover the issues of liability and co-existence for organic and non-GM farmers.

Contact Sapphire for more info president@wsu.org.nz

Saturday 1 September  

Interfaith Planting Day at Waiwhakareke 

2:00 - 4:00pm - meeting at 2pm sharp for a brief orientation
Meet in the car park across from the main entrance
to the Hamilton Zoo, Brymer Rd.
Bring gumboots, a spade, a sunhat, and a smile!
It will be the first day of spring and will go ahead RAIN OR SHINE

For more information on visit: http://wifco.wikispaces.com

The Waiwhakareke site is: http://waiwhakareke.co.nz


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