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Gardening at Grandview / A Rocha Presentation

Posted 12 years, 5 months ago    2 comments

Grandview Community Gardening Day

Friday, 28 September

Get inspired and lend a hand.  Hamilton City Council staff are also volunteering to work at the gardens for their Community Service Day.

There will be the painting of signs, weeding of gardens, digging a drain, sorting and hanging tools in the shed, digging out gorse, moving concrete, mulching paths and helping with the gardens.

Contact Tim 0212243109 or Clare 0210387623 for times.

Park on the road opposite 183 Grandview Rd and walk across the grass to the garden.




A Rocha Presentation


Ruth Pfister
12 years, 5 months ago
Am interested to read more about the Rocha presentation but couldn`t enlarge the poster to fread the very small print. Could you help?
12 years, 5 months ago
Hereis some information which I hope is helpful :
Towards Greener Pastures: Inspiring tales of conservation in action from Peru to Finland

Chris Naylor co-founded A Rocha Lebanon in 1997 where he directed the restoration of Aammiq Marsh, began an environmental education programme and established 11 Important Bird Areas. Since 2009 Chris has been the Executive Director of A Rocha International, overseeing A Rocha projects in 19 countries including New Zealand. A Rocha is a Christian conservation organisation working to show God's love for all creation.

Tuesday October 2 at 7pm
West Hamilton Anglican Church
Corner of Rifle Range Rd and Massey St, Dinsdale
Supper provided

For directions, see: http://westhamang.org.nz/gen/CONTACT-US-MAP.html
For details, contact richard.storey@arocha.org

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