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Good LIfe Expo, Chicken run, Volunteer jobs, Street workshops

Posted 15 years ago    2 comments

Good Life Expo this Saturday - 27th February

10 - 4pm  Lots of intersting speakers.Bring the family.
We could do with a couple more helpers on the Environment Centre stand if anyone is interested - supervising 'count the worms competition' etc - all fun.  Happy for you to bring info from your group to peddle to passers by. Please phone Katherine 839 4452 or email.

Also on the same day, but come to the Good Life Expo afterwards (finishes in Ham East) :-

Waikato Chicken Run

27th February 2010
Join us for a unique Waikato tour experience as we raise funds for the Relay For Life AgRelayze team

Our tour will include:
Cluckingham Palace @ Meg’s Eggs
Chickens kept in town
Spot prizes  

$20 per adult or $50 for family of 4
Learn all about keeping chooks
Places are limited so book NOW: liz.carpenter@agresearch.co.nz
NB Not suitable for young children who might get ‘bored’

Jobs for Volunteers:

I have been asked if there are any projects that a group of perhaps 7 people could do - need 4 weeks notice, varying levels of fitness but probably not high, being sponsored by their employer, so a weekday. So if your group is needing something done let Katherine know - 839 4452

Hamilton Pedestrian Study - more open days:

Hamilton City Council, in partnership with Beca Infrastructure Ltd (consulting engineers), is carrying out a pedestrian study focusing on several sites around the city,which have already been sent out. Further to that there will be another open day:

Open day details:
Waikato Table Tennis Centre, Edgecumbe Street, Hamilton
10:00am – 12:00pm, Monday 1st March 2010

 Community Street Review details:

Collingwood/Tristram intersection : meet in the Wintec carpark on the southern corner 10:00am Friday 5th March 2010

Grey Street: meet at corner of Grey and Brookfield streets, outside the dairy 2:00pm Friday 5th March 2010

Five Cross Roads: meet at corner of Enderley and Peachgrove, outside the shops  10:00am Saturday 6th March 2010

Boundary Road: meet at Waikato Migrant Resource Centre carpark, Boundary Road
5:15pm  Monday 8th March 2010

Fairfield Bridge: meet outside the French Café, River Road
10:00am  Tuesday 9th March 2010

Steve Taylor
Active Travel Coordinator
Phone: 07 838 6949
Email: steve.taylor@hcc.govt.nz



15 years ago

Can you plz advise the venue for the Good Life Expo?

15 years ago
Hi there, the Good Life Expo is down at Hamilton Gardens, on the Green Egg Lawn which is near the productive gardens.

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