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Good news - more funding for insulating homes

Posted 11 years, 8 months ago    0 comments

Warm Up New Zealand: Healthy Homes

The Government is investing in a new three-year insulation programme delivering 46,000 warmer, drier and healthier homes to communities in most need. Budget 2013 allocates $100 million of operating funding over three years to the Warm Up New Zealand: Healthy Homes programme, targeting low-income households for home insulation, particularly those families with children and high health needs.

The Government is investing $100 million over three years and more than $50 million funding will need to come from project partners, such as trusts, iwi, and other community organisations.

Warmer, drier homes provide real benefits to New Zealanders. As well as energy efficiency gains, insulating homes reduces health risks caused by cold, damp housing such as respiratory illnesses and serious diseases like rheumatic fever. An independent evaluation of the Warm Up New Zealand: Heat Smart programme (run from 2009-2013) by Motu showed the greatest benefits from insulation are for people on low-incomes, who are at higher risk of health issues.

The Government's investment will be augmented by significant levels of funding from trusts and other third parties. This will see insulation available to those households in most need, at low or no cost.

Warm Up New Zealand: Healthy Homes will be delivered through the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority (EECA).
The programme will be targeted at households (including renters) that have a Community Services Card and are at high health risk. High health risk includes children, the elderly and people at risk of cold-related illness.

EECA will team up with project partners to target communities known to be at high risk from illnesses linked to cold, damp housing. The programme will provide grants for up to 60% of the cost of insulation.  EECA will roll out projects progressively from August 2013, after a request for proposals, evaluation of projects and contract negotiations in May/June/July.
It will be free for eligible households as a result of the Government grants and the generous support of third-party funders.

How do people apply for the new insulation grants?

Details will be released as projects are rolled out from August 2013. The ENERGYWISE website will provide initial information and updates. People can also call 0800 749 782 for more information.

Can people not eligible for grants under the new scheme continue to access Government funding?

Existing Warm Up New Zealand: Heat Smart grants are available until they run out - probably in about September 2013. All homeowners (including landlords), living in houses built before 2000, are eligible for a grant of 33% (up to $1,300) towards the cost of installing ceiling and under-floor insulation.

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