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Posted 10 years ago    0 comments

WILD THINGS addressing terrestrial, freshwater and marine biodiversity loss

11 to 13th August 2015- Viaducts Event Centre- Auckland

An Environmental Defence Society Conference -  www.edsconference.com

Biodiversity loss is the greatest environmental challenge that currently faces New Zealand. Wild Things will investigate the underlying reasons for biodiversity decline and look constructively at how we might turn it around

Biodiversity loss is not inevitable. We have a choice



Book Launch
Vanishing Nature: facing New Zealand’s biodiversity crisis

When: Tuesday 31 March, 5.00pm - 7.00pm (drinks and nibbles will be served)

Where:  Reception Lounge, Level 1, Auckland Town Hall

Hosted by: Deputy Mayor Penny Hulse, on behalf of Auckland Council

Please join the authors, Marie Brown, Theo Stephens and Raewyn Peart at the launch of EDS’s latest publication.

The book presents an exhaustive analysis of New Zealand’s biodiversity status and management. The authors argue that the fundamental drivers of harm as well as the barriers to effective protection must be addressed if we are to halt the loss of our native species and ecosystems and maintain our natural capital. This will require novel economic institutions designed to bring private and public interests toward alignment.  The book includes a comprehensive suite of strategic, tactical and practical solutions and finishes with a vision and action plan that EDS is committed to champion in the coming years.

This ground breaking book will be available for purchase on the night at the discounted rate of $40. Saving you $5 off the cover price plus no postage cost!

RSVP by emailing us at registration@eds.org.nz.



This is a shout out to all our Kakapo Recovery supporters and beyond. We're keen to know if there's a "smart egg" out there or someone who could develop one for us! What we need is an egg that mimics one about to hatch, with movement and "cheeps"...it's for kakapo mums whose eggs are being incubated. We replace them in the nest with dummy eggs but at the moment, we have no way of preparing the mums for the moment the dummy egg becomes a real chick! We're keen to give them some signals so that it's not such a surprise and they can be ready to mother straight away... If you can help, please contact us at kakaporecovery@doc.govt.nz




Its not difficult to do please read the



There may need to be a rewording of this proposal page 4

2. Insert a clause in the bylaw which allows council to

require the owners of repeat roamers to be neutered



Update on what’s going on with the Community Environment Fund (CEF), These updates may also provide other information that may be of interest to you.

This time we have also included a link for information regarding the recently opened Department of Conservation Fund – Community Conservation Partnerships Fund (CCPF)


Community Environment Fund – Dates not confirmed

No dates have been confirmed at this stage.

We will be in further contact once dates are confirmed.

The link below provides information on the funding process, current eligibility criteria for an open contestable round and projects funded to date.



Te Mana o Te Wai Fund – Now Open


The Te Mana o Te Wai Fund provides funding for projects that support or enable iwi/hapū to improve the water quality of freshwater bodies, including lakes, rivers, streams, estuaries and lagoons.

The Te Mana o Te Wai Fund is now open for applications and will close at mid-day Thursday 30 April 2015.

The link below explains what the Te Mana o Te Wai Fund is, provides information on applying to the fund, and lists the funding eligibility and assessment criteria.




Waste Minimisation Fund – Opening 01 May 2015

The Waste Minimisation Fund (WMF) is currently closed for applications.

The 2015 WMF funding round will open for applications on Thursday 01 May 2015 and will close at midday on Thursday 15 May 2015.

For more information visit our website: www.mfe.govt.nz/wmf.


Changes to the Funds Management Team at the Ministry


We have had a few changes here at the Ministry. The functions of the Funds Management team have now been split between two teams.

The Community Environment Fund now sits within the Remediation Projects team and the Waste Minimisation Fund now sits within the Waste and Resources team.

If you have any general queries about either fund, please email either: cef@mfe.govt.nz or wmf@mfe.govt.nz.



Community Conservation Partnership Fund – PÅ«tea Tautiaki Hapori (CCPF) 2015/16 funding round now open


The CCPF is a two stage process and will close for expressions of interest at 5 pm on Thursday 2 April 2015.

For more information on the 2015/16 CCPF funding round, visit www.doc.govt.nz/ccpf  to read Frequently Asked Questions.

If you have further questions about the second CCPF funding round, contact the DOC Funds Team on 0800 862 0200800 862 020.



Allison Bockstruck


We have a number of spaces available at this workshop, please respond asap via email to robyn@coimmunitywaikato.org.nz or we will have to postpone it.

workshop flyer risk and fraud 9 March 2015-2.pdf

Kind regards,

Sally Fenwick Ridley

Training and CommunicationsCommunity Waikato

























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