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Gully events

Posted 13 years, 11 months ago    0 comments

Last weekend's Seeley Gully event was postponed until the 9th April

It will be from 9 am to 12.30 followed by refreshments (sausage and cuppa) at the reserve in Armagh St. We will follow up the working bee with a tour of the reserves a couple of weeks later.
Enquiries to Tim Newton  ph 838 6878

3rd April

From the Tamahere Community Nursery workshop

There is a workshop on seed treatment and sowing of native plants at the Tamahere Community Nursery in Devine Road on Sunday 3 April between 1.30 and 3.30pm. This practical session on sowing seed will be taken by Wayne Bennett. You are welcome to bring seed you have collected along for sowing.
There are plenty of trays of seedlings that were sown last year ready for potting on so this is another task where many hands can make good progress.

Hope you can make it on Sunday afternoon.
Jan Simmons
for Ecosourced Waikato/Tamahere Gully Care

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