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NZer of the Year, Community Post and Gully Restoration Series reminder

Posted 11 years, 7 months ago    0 comments

NZer of the Year awards 2013

Now open. It’s your chance to recognise and highlight the achievements of New Zealanders who are making a positive contribution to our communities and country. Is there someone you know, a person or a group, who deserve acknowledgement for their hard work, leadership skills, innovation and commitment?
You can submit your nomination online at www.nzawards.org.nz  If you need any help in completing your nomination call on free phone 0508 692 927. Nominations close on 30 September 2013.

Community Post open now
Applications are now open and need to be completed online by 5pm 31 August 2013. Find out more and create your application.

With restorations underway across Hamilton, gullies have gone from being rubbish dumps to real assets. The Hamilton Gully Restoration Series 2013 from 15-25 August covers a wide range of gully-related topics, and is made up of two seminars and two gully field-trips. It is a collaboration between the University of Waikato’s Environmental Research Institute and the Hamilton City Council.
The event is open to the public and its goal is to pool information and encourage gully restoration.

15 August - Seminar Session One
7-9pm in MSB.1.01 at the University.
Gully restoration programme - an update Leigh Cornes - Hamilton City Council
Working together - gully networks and groups Catherine Kirby - University of Waikato
Pest animal identification and control Matt Highway - WRC
Mangaiti experiences Rex Bushell - Mangaiti Gully Restoration Group

17 August  Gully Trip One
The first field trip is to Humarie Park 9am - 12.
Meet at Cranwell Place entrance
Restoration hints and tips, including step building, bank stabilisation and plant identification. Bring sturdy footwear and lots of questions. Morning tea provided.

22 August, Seminar Session Two

 7-9pm in MSB.1.01 at the University.
Projects for a gully group to tackle   Gerard Kelly - HCC
Funding your gully restoration    Moira Cursey - Waikato Biodiversity Forum
Pest plant identification and control   Ben Elliot & Ben Herbert - WRC contractor/staff
Reconstructing natural plant communities   Wayne Bennett - Forest Flora

25 August  Gully Trip Two to Mangaonua Gully
10am to 1pm. Meet at end of Silverdale Rd (Morrinsville Rd end)
Show case of restoration work followed by community tree planting.  Bring gumboots and spades. Morning tea provided.

Contact: Ann Huston, 07 838 4775, or ahuston@waikato.ac.nz


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