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Hamilton Urban Growth consultation

Posted 16 years, 4 months ago    0 comments

Check out Council's Proposed Hamilton Urban Growth Strategy - now currently available and open for public submission until 17 November 2008.

There are two more public meetings to be held on the proposed strategy.

o Thursday 30th October - 5.30 - 7.00pm
Melville High School, Collins Rd

o Monday 3rd November - 5.30 - 7.00pm
The Meteor, Cnr Victoria and Bridge St, City

The Hamilton Urban Growth Strategy is based on the concept of 'mend before you extend' and puts forward 4 key growth propositions:
* Facilitating a move towards more choices for compact living environments in the existing city - with a greater focus on quality
* In the short to medium term, recommitting to the development of Rototuna as the preferred residential growth cell, plus 900 sections in Rotokauri and 500 sections in Peacocke
* The transfer of Ruakura land from Waikato District Council to be used as an innovation/employment area rather than residential (from around 2016)
* In the longer term (beyond 2023) prioritising the development of the remainder of the Peacocke residential area.

For a copy of the strategy document and more information including online submission form visit www.hamilton.co.nz/urbangrowth

Tegan McIntyre
Strategy and Research Manager
Strategic Group
Hamilton City Council
Private Bag 3010 Hamilton 3240
DDI 07 838 6637
Fax 07 838 6464
Email tegan.mcintyre@hcc.govt.nz



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