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Healthy Rivers: Plan for Change/Wai Ora: He Rautaki Whakapaipai Project

Posted 11 years, 5 months ago    0 comments

Community and Sector reps sought for Collaborative Stakeholder Group


People wanting to make a difference when it comes to the health of the Waikato and Waipa Rivers are being asked to consider putting their names forward as representatives on a Collaborative Stakeholder Group.

The 20-strong group is being formed as part of the Healthy Rivers: Plan for Change/Wai Ora: He Rautaki Whakapaipai project.

What is this about?:

Under the project, the group will be involved in making recommendations to Waikato Regional Council and iwi partners on a regional plan change. The plan change will involve limits and targets for land-based activities so as to protect the health of the two rivers. It is legally required by the Vision and Strategy for the Waikato River/Te Ture Whaimana o Te Awa o Waikato and the Government’s National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management 2011.

Places on the CSG available:

One sector representative from the environmental sector. (nominations close 5pm 18th October)
We have someone who has put his hand up to be the environmental representative - if anyone else feels that they would like to be considered for this seat please let the Environment Centre know urgently, as we would then need to have a selection process. The role will involve day long meetings during the working week so the rep needs to be able to give up that time on a regular basis.

Four general community representatives.

The purpose of these seats is to enable people living in the catchment to apply to be part of the CSG as an independent member. WRC is keen to get community representatives who can help represent the views of the general public on this group. They must live in the Waikato or Waipa river catchments - see the map on Waikato Regional Council's website for details). Nominations close 5pm 23rd October

Three unallocated sector seats which all sectors can nominate representatives for as well. (closes 23rd October) Let us know if you are interested in being nominated, or would like to put someone forward for nomination.

Council and Iwi will review all nominations with a decision expected in December. The CSG is expected to commence in February 2014.

For an application pack go to www.waikatoregion.govt.nz/healthyrivers,

Call 0800 800 401 or email healthyrivers@waikatoregion.govt.nz

More info

How were these representative numbers arrived at?

Through a consultative workshop held recently to workout the number on the group and the balance of representation.

Results from the workshop, were as follows:

Nomination process: Each sector is responsible for choosing its own representatives for nomination onto the CSG.

Size: The CSG will have 20 members.

Composition: The CSG will have 16 sector seats and 4 community seats. Of the 16 sector seats, 13 were allocated via voting at the workshop

Dairy 2 Energy 1 Environment/NGOs 1 Forestry 1

Horticulture 1 Industry 1 Local government 1 Māori interests 1

Rural advocacy 1 Sheep and beef 1 Tourism and recreation 1 Water supply takes 1

Sectors that scored less than 0.5 in the workshop votes and did not receive a seat on the CSG were:

Fertiliser, Rural professional, Central government/health, Urban/residents and ratepayers/education, Commercial fishing

As a result, three unallocated sector seats remain, for which all sectors are invited to submit nominations. Nominations are also called to fill four community seats


Reimbursement of some of the expenses of participating in the CSG may be available to those who would not otherwise be able to participate.

Returning forms

Please return completed forms to healthyrivers@waikatoregion.govt.nz or to Project Sponsor, Healthy Rivers: Plan for Change/Wai Ora: He Rautaki Whakapaipai, Private Bag 3038, Waikato Mail Centre, Hamilton 3240.

Contact information

If you need any further information on the nomination process, please contact Wendy Boyce on 0800 800 401 or healthyrivers@waikatoregion.govt.nz


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