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Healthy Rivers Project meeting 10th November

Posted 10 years, 4 months ago    0 comments

Opportunity to feed into the Healthy Rivers project:
Healthy Rivers: Plan for Change/Wai Ora: He Rautaki Whakapaipai is working with stakeholders to develop changes to the regional plan to help restore and protect the health of the Waikato and Waipa rivers, which are key to a vibrant regional economy.

Our environmental representative is holding this meeting to update you all on progress - message from Al Fleming:

Kia ora koutou
Please see the agenda for the Environment / NGO Healthy Rivers workshop below. 
We currently have 8 people attending so the RSVP has been extended to the end of Thursday this week. 
The workshop objectives are:   
·         Introduce Environmental Collaborative Stakeholder Group (CSG) Representatives
·         Update on Healthy Rivers Project
·         Encourage thinking on the Environmental Sectors goals for the project
·         Gather reference material for Environmental CSG representatives
·         Gather sector feedback to present to the CSG 
Workshop details are: 
DATE:    Monday 10 November 
WHERE:   Chartwell Room, Hamilton Gardens         
TIME:   9.00 am to 1.00 pm 
Coffee / tea will be available at 9.00 am and a lunch will be served at 1.00 pm. 
If you are keen to attend please RSVP by Thursday 6 November for catering purposes. 
Please do forward onto other Environment / NGO representatives or persons involved in this sector you believe may be interested in attending. 
Thanks very much. Al 

AGENDA - Healthy Rivers Plan for Change Environmental / NGO Sector: Meeting 1  
Time Agenda Item Presenter
9.00 Arrive / cup of tea  

-  Objectives of the meeting
-  Role of the Collaborative Stakeholder Group (CSG) and Sector Representatives

 Michelle ArcherAl Fleming
9.30 Introduction of the Healthy Rivers Project and progress  Jo Bromley
9.45 Technical Summary  Bill Vant
10.15 Waikato RiverCare - Practical advice, difficulties and considerations of River Enhancement projects. Kevin Hutchinson 
10.30 Workshop.  Split into small groups and spend 15 minutes discussing each the following questions, collate all ideas and come up with the groups top issue for each.  Provide all notes back to meeting Chair. From an Environmental Sector perspective regarding the project and potential plan changes:
1.       What’s on top
2.       What are fears/concerns 3.       What are practical and achievable solutions to consider 4.       Any “Elephants” in the room  Guidance Note: workshop notes will be used as a reference for Al and Michelle (and their delegates) to ensure that the thoughts and priorities of the sector are in mind once the specific plan details are released.  This process is to ensure that your ideas are captured and available for your CSG representatives.
11.30 Short Break   
11.45 DiscussionFuture Environmental Sector Meetings All
12.30 Meeting finish and lunch Michelle Archer and Al Fleming
  CSG Environmental Representatives Contact Details:
Michelle Archer – 021 629 364 michelle.archer@genesisenergy.co.nz
Al Fleming – 021 988 295 
For Specific details on the Healthy Rivers Project and to sign up for newsletters please see the following link: Waikato Regional Council-Healthy Rivers-Plan for Change      
Al Fleming
Royal Forest and Bird Protection Society of New Zealand Inc.
PO Box 70 171 · Tauranga 3155 ·  New Zealand
DD 07 544 4987 · 
021 988 295 · 
07 544 4987 
You can join Forest & Bird online at www.forestandbird.org.nz

RSVP: A.Fleming@forestandbird.org.nz


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