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Posted 12 years, 3 months ago    0 comments


We need your help to support high needs families/whānau to apply for free insulation!

Te Puna Oranga (Māori Health Service) are managing a privately-funded scheme in partnership with EECA and two insulation companies to ensure that 600 high needs whānau have their homes insulated for FREE.

Originally the programme was for residents within 30kms of Hamilton city, however, the programme has now been extended to include Tokoroa, Putaruru, Te Aroha, Te Kauwhata, Otorohanga, Te Kuiti, Paeroa and Raglan. Applicants must be able to meet ALL 5 criteria below:

  • The home must have been built before 2000 and within 80km of Hamilton City
  • The primary property resident or owner must have a community services card
  • There must be children under 16 years old living, or frequently staying, in the home
  • The house is not a Housing New Zealand home
  • The insulation is approved by the landlord (if renting)

Application forms and a FAQ information sheet are available via http://www.waikatodhb.govt.nz/page/pageid/2145840303/Te_Puna_Oranga_(Maori_Health) (right hand side of the page under free insulation project heading).

Please pass this information on to families you know, who will benefit from a warmer, dryer and healthier home next winter. There are only 150 spaces available so first in first served!

I look forward to receiving applications from each of your respective communities.

Ngā mihi nui!
Jade Chase

Jade Chase | Service Development Manager (Community) | Te Puna Oranga | Waikato District Health Board |Hockin Building | Pembroke Street |PO Box 934 | HAMILTON 3240 | P +64 7 839 8899 ext 97867 | F +64 7 8343619 | e jade.chase@waikatodhb.health.nz


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