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July events

Posted 15 years, 8 months ago    0 comments

Thursday July 9th  'The Psychology of Place Making'

HCC Reception Lounge, Garden Place, Hamilton
RSVP to mayor@hcc.govt.nz or 07 838 6976
5.00pm: Drinks & nibbles for 20-30mins prior to presentation commencing 5.30pm: 1 hour presentation followed by 20-30mins of questions

David Engwicht is author of four books on transport and urban design, his latest being Mental Speed Bumps: the smarter way to tame traffic. David is perhaps best known as the inventor of the Walking School Bus which has been adopted world-wide. He is considered one of the world's most innovative thinkers about cities, traffic, urban design, community development and place making. David is a writer, sculptor and street philosopher.

It is with great pleasure that we bring David direct to Hamilton to speak about his experiences as Place Maker for Wodonga, a rural city in Victoria, Australia where he was charged with turning a run down main street into the vibrant heart of the city. David will share his unique and ground-breaking approach which integrated urban psychology, social programs, economic development and urban design. He will argue that many urban revitalisation programs fail because they do not take into account urban psychology. He will also discuss the design principles of shared space and some of the common pitfalls.

This is an open invitation, please invite any of your colleagues that may be interested in David's presentation.

Also Thursday July 9, 2007, Godwits
with the world authority Keith Woodley from Miranda.
Chartwell Room,  Hamilton Gardens.
6.45pm Live Music
7.30pm Presentation
 Live music by Dave Calder, Hamilton County Bluegrass Band.
This a Forest and Bird event. Phone Jon 07 8558852 for more details.

Friday 10th July 2009

“Carbon Farming” seminar
Environment Waikato, In conjunction with SSF, Carbon Farming Group and PA Handford & Associates Ltd,
1.00 – 3.00 pm
Environment Waikato (401 Grey St, Hamilton East)

 Information areas covered in the seminar include:
• New Zealand’s response to Climate Change
• Soil Carbon
• Carbon Trading in practice
• Carbon Forest Management
• Voluntary Carbon Market
• Practical implications – case studies
• Greenhouse Gasses – the rules
• Greenhouse Gasses and Farming Livestock

Presented by John-Paul Praat of PA Handford and Associates Ltd

• Seminar will provide an initial understanding of opportunities and issues involved in Carbon Farming

• Information sheets will be available at the seminar

 Afternoon Tea will follow
RSVP essential by Wednesday 8th July to Kasey Hilton or Therese Balvert on 0800 800 401


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