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Kauri Planting on Coromandel

Posted 12 years, 9 months ago    0 comments

Kauri 2000 - volunteers needed

Saturday 9 June

In June Kauri 2000 will be planting the 10,000th kauri at the Matarangi Reserve - this is an outstanding achievement in just seven seasons!

This year the planting will be in an exciting new location, as the eastern block is now pretty much full, and no more planting can take place on the Vodafone side until the wilding pines are cut down. The new site is off Mynderman's Hill, and it is possibly good for several years’ planting.

There are a total of 2235 trees to plant at Coromandel, Paeroa, Tairua and Matarangi Reserve, with 1075 to be planted at Matarangi.

Can you join Kauri 2000 for our main volunteer planting day on 9 June? The plan is for a good half day planting, aiming to plant about 500 trees, so 25 people or so are needed on the day.

There’ll be a sausage sizzle and cold drinks to follow, so Kauri 2000 can celebrate the 10,000th tree in style and volunteers can enjoy catching up with each other. (Who knows, there might also be a Green Ribbon Award to celebrate!)

It is expected that this will be THE big Saturday planting effort for the season. (There’ll also be special planting days for Mercury Bay Area School Years 7 & 8 and the Coromandel Outdoor Language Centre, plus a sponsors' day out with the BNZ.)  A further small volunteer day may be needed if there are trees left to plant.

Please RSPV  for catering and planning purposes, if you intend to go on Saturday 9 June.  Please contact Barb Ritchie Kauri 2000 co-ordinator by Friday 1 June - emailinfo@kauri2000.co.nz or phone 07 866 0468. They will send you details of where to meet etc.


Also, Kauri 2000 has been selected as a finalist in the 2012 Green Ribbon Awards, in the Communications & Education category. This is quite a big deal and it’s all down to the support they've had from their volunteers, schools, contractors, donors, sponsors and other supporters.




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