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Posted 10 years, 4 months ago    0 comments

Living Streets Meeting for November – Date Change

It would be helpful to hold this month's Living Streets meeting on the second Thursday of the month rather than the third one, as this will give us time to discuss and prepare submissions on the riverbank plan, which is open for public consultation until November 28th. This project has the potential to allow some new pedestrian and cycle bridge construction across the river, in addition to many other proposals, and it would be good to get plenty of input on what might be viable possibilities.

If you would like to take a look at the plans prior to our meeting, start here: http://www.hamiltoncityriverplan.co.nz/feedback. This page gives you access to the plans and of course there is the opportunity to make individual submissions online on any aspects that you have an interest in.

So, as a reminder again, we will be meeting on Thursday, November 13, 7pm at 29 Claude St.






4:00PM TO 6:00PM

Come and join us in a working bee in the A.J. Seeley Gully,

Armagh Street, Hamilton.

There will be a variety of jobs for people of all ages and ability.

Please bring your own gardening tools and gloves. Rain or shine.

BBQ will be relocated if weather is poor.

BBQ from 6pm. Please bring a salad or side dish

to share. BYO drinks


There is an established volunteer group that works in the

Gully every Monday 9:30am-12: 00pm under the guidance

of Gerard Kelly, HCC Community Planting Coordinator.

More volunteers are always welcome. Any queries please contact:

Barbara Brook 824 1641 or Gerard Kelly 838 6501.


 Free Public Lecture -The Hybrid Mind by Richard Louv

The more high tech our lives become,

the more nature we need.

 Jointly sponsored by Victoria University of Wellington,

the MacDiarmid Institute and the Department of Conservation

The University of Waikato is pleased to announce a free public lecture from Richard Louv (author of Last Child in the Woods) at midday on the 13th of November.


Thursday 13 November – 12noon-1.00pm

University of Waikato – Concert Chamber,

Gallagher Academy of Performing Arts.

(Closest parking is in Gate 2b, Knighton Road.)


For information Contact:

Catherine Kirby

Research Support Officer

Environmental Research Institute

07 838 446607 838 4466 ext. 6517

University of Waikato


Bee Movie Fundraiser for Sanctuary Mountain Maungatautari

The team at Sanctuary Mountain Maungatautari are holding a fundraiser movie night to celebrate Conservation Week (belatedly) at the Tivoli Theatre in Cambridge on 18 November. The movie is Queen of the Sun - What Are the Bees Telling Us?, a profound, alternative look at the global bee crisis from award-winning filmmaker Taggart Siegel. Doors open at 6.30pm with the movie starting at 7pm. Cost is $20 per ticket


You can book this directly online through the website link on the page above or contact info@sanctuarymountain.co.nz for further information.


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