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Posted 10 years, 3 months ago    0 comments

Tagasaste To Give away

We have about 30 tagasaste, small to two feet high if you know of a project that would like them. We are in Cambridge. Our phone number is 8231331.

Regards, Robin Smuts-Kennedy



Botanical Book Launch Catherine Kirby

Dear Botanical Society members

Click on the link below for an invitation and RSVP details for the launch of an

exciting new botanical field guide produced right here in Hamilton,

*Field guide to New Zealand’s Epiphytes, Vines & Mistletoes* by Catherine

L. Kirby


The Waikato Botanical Society is proud to be supporting the book launch

event on 11th December at 7pm in the new Science and Engineering foyer,

University of Waikato, Gate 9 Hillcrest Road.

Please come along to enjoy drinks and nibbles and support our local

botanical talent. The book will be available at a discounted price for the

evening, so why not get yourself an early christmas present?


Mike Clearwater

School of Science


Riverlea Environmental Society Working Bee


The last weekend working bee for 2014 is this Saturday from 1-3 pm. Meet at the Malcolm St end of the boardwalk. Please bring loppers if you have them and wear sturdy shoes, gloves. Long sleeves are a good idea because it can get scratchy.

We will be removing weeds (plus chatting, getting exercise and soaking up some nature).

A question: who would be interested in doing Wednesday evening working bees, just for an hour or an hour and a half each week? It's a cooler time of day and it might be easier for some people than Saturday afternoons. You could consider it your 'green prescription'!

We are just thinking about it for the summer months while the days are long and hot.

Please let me know if you would come to the Weds ones if we ran them.


Best wishes,


Dr Andrea Graves


Riverlea Environment Society Incorporated



Weston A Price Foundation Christmas meeting

Our last meeting of the year will be our Christmas Party: Saturday 29 November

Time : 1-4pm

Location : Forest Lake School Hall on Storey Ave

Cost : $5 to cover cost of hall

Please bring a plate to share for afternoon tea.

Please note the new venue!

This will also be our last meeting as chapter leaders. We have enjoyed the last three years but unfortunately now we do not have enough spare time to run the chapter.

We are thrilled that Marea Smith has agreed to take on this role. Marea has a lot of knowledge about the Weston A Price Foundation and is going to set up facebook page and a website for the chapter which will be a real benefit. She has also organised hiring the hall in Forest Lake which will hopefully be closer for most of you.

Look forward to seeing you all there.

Michelle & Natasha


Friends of Waiwhakareke working bee tomorrow

My apologies for the late notice.

Next working bee for Waiwhakareke Natural Heritage Park.

Saturday 29 November 2014 - Weeding the 2014 Arbor Day plants.

9am - midday

Meet in the carpark opposite the Zoo on Brymer Road.

We will be releasing/stomping the weeds from around the Arbor Day plantings. Best to bring gloves to wear and most importantly bring morning tea. Look forward to seeing you on Saturday morning.

Cheers Moira Co-convenor of Friends of Waiwhakareke


End of year Botanical Highlights - Monday Night Dec 1

Join us for END OF YEAR drinks and nibbles, and botanical highlights, on Monday 1 December

Where? Community Waikato on Victoria Street. Enter through the side door. You can park either in the Community Waikato carpark or next door at the Meteor

Drinks and nibbles are available before and after the talks

So start working now on your memorable botanical moments of the year and bring them along to share at our ‘end of year round up’ we’d love to hear what has excited you this year. Up to 10 slides in 5 minutes.

If you plan to use powerpoint slides, bring them along on a USB stick

See you on Monday!

Mike Clearwater

School of Science



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