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Posted 8 years, 7 months ago    0 comments

Just Crafting Around group for regular social crafting
Science Open Day, Ecological Restoration Australasia Conference
Student Day, Ecological Restoration Australasia Conference
Waste Free Parenting Workshops
Hamilton Organic Gardeners Meeting and Hot Composting Workshop
Fonterra Grass Roots Fund

Just Crafting Around

Knit while you natter - sew while you crow. Crafting is even more fun when it's a sewcial occasion. Join us for an evening of crafty time and have fun on a cold winters evening.

We are a group of non-expert crafters, thrifters and refashionistas who get together every week. We often work on a project together, like sewing bags, sandwich wraps or cushion covers to raise funding for the local TimeBank, or the Waikato Environment Centre. Some people bring their own projects to work on: something to up-cycle, mend or knit, while others join in on a joint project and earn TimeBank credits. Bring materials and a sewing machine if you have access to one, we will have at least one sewing machine here to share.

We are also running a little low on material so if you have any to spare in your stashes that you won't be using we would be grateful for any donations.

The Waikato Environment Centre is being used for another event this time so please RSVP by email if you would like to come and we will be in touch with you once the address is confirmed: waikatotimebank@gmail.com

ERA Conference 

Science Open Day

Reduced rate for community members.
Ecological Restoration Australasia Conference, Claudelands, Hamilton, Conference runs 19-23 November; ‘Science Open Day’ on Sunday 20th November.

A standout feature of this year’s Ecological Restoration Australasia Conference (Claudelands, Hamilton, Nov 19-23) is a ‘Science Open Day’ on Sunday Nov 20. Community environmental groups, students, educators, not-for-profits, as well as members of the wider community either already engaged in, or wishing to learn more about cutting-edge restoration science are encouraged to participate. Along with a wide range of presentations by professional ecologists, there will be opportunities to present your own project(s) via an informal soap box session or as a regular 12min conference talk. Workshops, a Bat Symposium hosted by Project Echo, as well as a panel session to maximise knowledge sharing and networking opportunities are also scheduled, and further ideas for workshops are welcomed. The cost for the day is $25NZD (criteria apply). For further information (and to submit an abstract for a 12-min presentation) see www.era2016.com, or contact monica.a.peters@gmail.com 

Student Day

The ERA 2016 conference encourages students to participate in their meeting this year. This special student day will provide an opportunity for up-and-coming young ecologists to showcase their research through oral presentations and learn from panels of experts what it means to navigate the field of ecology.

Please see the conference website for more details: (view "Programme" and select "Student Day" option). The deadline for abstracts is about to be extended.

Waste Free Parenting Workshops

With the Nappy Lady, in Meremere and Huntly. It's more than nappies, you will learn about the environmental impact of how we live, other household options and ways to reduce waste and save money.

28th July Meremere Hall, 21 Heather Green Avenue - 6-8.30pm
29th July Huntly West School, Paki Street - 9.30am-12pm.

Gold coin donation. See the attached poster for more information.

Two posters for Meremere Huntly.pdf

Hamilton Organic Gardeners meeting and hot composting workshop

Saturday 6th August, 10am

Location: 89 Robson Road, Koromatua, Hamilton

Run in association with Organic Farm NZ. The facilitator will be Mickey Cunningham, who has a great reputation as a teacher of organics.

Queries: phone Beryl le Grove 027 695 6229 or 829 3272

Bring along something to share for lunch, a cup, and money for a koha for the presenter. There will be a swap table, so bring along spare seeds, plants, produce etc

Why make hot compost?

Because it kills seeds and pathogens and takes less time to break down.

Funding Opportunity for Grassroots Organisations

The Fonterra Grass Roots Fund is committed to helping the passionate, hard-working Kiwis who volunteer their time to make our communities better places to live. Enjoy the amazing stories in their video and if you’re involved with a group or project in your neighbourhood that needs support, complete the simple Fonterra Grass Roots Fund grant application here.

Science Open Day, Ecological Restoration Australasia Conference, Claudelands, Hamilton Nov 19-23, 2016
A standout feature of this year’s Ecological Restoration Australasia Conference (Claudelands, Hamilton, Nov 19-23) is a ‘Science Open Day’ on Sunday Nov 20. Community environmental groups, students, educators, not-for-profits, as well as members of the wider community either already engaged in, or wishing to learn more about cutting-edge restoration science are encouraged to participate. Along with a wide range of presentations by professional ecologists, there will be opportunities to present your own project(s) via an informal soap box session or as a regular 12min conference talk. Workshops as well as a panel session to maximise knowledge sharing and networking opportunities are also scheduled, and further ideas for workshops are welcomed. The cost for the day is $25NZD (criteria apply). For further information (and to submit an abstract for a 12-min presentation) see www.era2016.com, or contact monica.a.peters@gmail.com

Science Open Day, Ecological Restoration Australasia Conference, Claudelands, Hamilton Nov 19-23, 2016


A standout feature of this year’s Ecological Restoration Australasia Conference (Claudelands, Hamilton, Nov 19-23) is a ‘Science Open Day’ on Sunday Nov 20. Community environmental groups, students, educators, not-for-profits, as well as members of the wider community either already engaged in, or wishing to learn more about cutting-edge restoration science are encouraged to participate. Along with a wide range of presentations by professional ecologists, there will be opportunities to present your own project(s) via an informal soap box session or as a regular 12min conference talk. Workshops as well as a panel session to maximise knowledge sharing and networking opportunities are also scheduled, and further ideas for workshops are welcomed. The cost for the day is $25NZD (criteria apply). For further information (and to submit an abstract for a 12-min presentation) see www.era2016.com, or contact monica.a.peters@gmail.com

Science Open Day, Ecological Restoration Australasia Conference, Claudelands, Hamilton Nov 19-23, 2016


A standout feature of this year’s Ecological Restoration Australasia Conference (Claudelands, Hamilton, Nov 19-23) is a ‘Science Open Day’ on Sunday Nov 20. Community environmental groups, students, educators, not-for-profits, as well as members of the wider community either already engaged in, or wishing to learn more about cutting-edge restoration science are encouraged to participate. Along with a wide range of presentations by professional ecologists, there will be opportunities to present your own project(s) via an informal soap box session or as a regular 12min conference talk. Workshops as well as a panel session to maximise knowledge sharing and networking opportunities are also scheduled, and further ideas for workshops are welcomed. The cost for the day is $25NZD (criteria apply). For further information (and to submit an abstract for a 12-min presentation) see www.era2016.com, or contact monica.a.peters@gmail.coA standout feature of this year’s Ecological Restoration Australasia Conference (Claudelands, Hamilton, Nov 19-23) is a ‘Science Open Day’ on Sunday Nov 20. Community environmental groups, students, educators, not-for-profits, as well as members of the wider community either already engaged in, or wishing to learn more about cutting-edge restoration science are encouraged to participate. Along with a wide range of presentations by professional ecologists, there will be opportunities to present your own project(s) via an informal soap box session or as a regular 12min conference talk. Workshops as well as a panel session to maximise knowledge sharing and networking opportunities are also scheduled, and further ideas for workshops are welcomed. The cost for the day is $25NZD (criteria apply). For further information (and to submit an abstract for a 12-min presentation) see www.era2016.com, or contact monica.a.peters@gmail.com

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